Chapter 11

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"Now I wonder... Since Muichiro is a royal, he's supposed to go to school and get educated, right?" Genya thought to himself.

"Maybe he is homeschooled." He made the final conclusion, which is correct. He is being homeschooled.

"I wonder what my mission is now."
He thought, as he went inside the headquarters.

All eyes were on him as soon as he walked inside.

After all, there hasn't been anyone that managed to get to rank A in such short time. Not to mention... With a weak magic. When he checked his magic, the instructor or whatever that person's job is called, said that his magic was weaker than an average adventurer's.
Genya works hard to achieve his goals. But he also works smart. He's a strategist. Well... Most of the time. He observes his enemy, makes the final decision on whether the enemy will be immune his attacks or not and attacks only then.

The thing is, Genya had a bad childhood.

His father abused the whole family. Genya, Sanemi, their other siblings and their mother.

Genya's mother always protectrd the children, so Genya thought of her as a hero. That, was until she grew tired of her husband's abuse and with a kitchen knife, in front of Genya... She stabbed him. She thrusted the knife inside her husband's chest at least 15 times, she even stabbed his head to make sure he was dead.

Genya was more scared of his mother than he ever was of his father...

He ran away. He was not in school that day because he was ill, but he ran all 10 kilometres to get to school. He had a fever, too. Not too high, but it was still a fever. He almost collapsed multiple times, on the way to and inside school.

When he went there, his homeroom teacher noticed he was ill and also terrified, so she asked what happened. He didn't answer. His eyes were full of tears that he didn't allow to come out.

His homeroom teacher called for Sanemi, because at least the terrifiednboy would talk to his brother...

"Genya. You're ill. Why did you come to school? More importantly, how did you come here?"

"I-I ran..." Genya said quietly as he coughed.

"But why? You don't have any exams today and... ! Did something happen at home?!"

"M-Mom... She..."

"... You don't have to continue. ...Father... What did he do to her?!"

"A... Knife... Grabbed... A.. knife..."


"And... There was... Blood..." Genya was shaking from fear. His throat was hurting, because he was holding in tears.


The teachers ran inside as soon as they heard Sanemi shout. They were shocked and worried. They knew their father was abusive, but...

"No! Mom... She.. S...Stabbed him... She looked... Scary..." Genya was still holding the tears in, so his throat was hurting more than before. He coughed and he couldn't hold it in anymore. He broke down in tears as his older brother hugged him.

Silence fell.

"Did mom... Kill father?"

"...Mhm... And now she'll get arrested and- and..."

Genya broke down in tears. Sure, now he and his siblings would be free from the abuse, but their mother would go to jail.


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