Chapter 26

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Chille so anyways, so-

 If you saw the A/N before it was deleted, then you'll know I asked if I should add a spicy scene in this story.

Most of you guys agreed, so... I added the spicy scene.

Two people will be making out... And it's not going to be a simple heated kiss.

The two will be making out... And I mean that one person will bite the other one's neck, jaw, etc and even touch the other's sensetive spot-

That's what making out is, according to google-

Not saying who will make out, but a hint: They're both teens.

Could be Mariah and Sarah... It could be anyone... You'll find out soon enough.

Also, I've never written something like that before so I just hope it's not cringy 😬


"Genya said, that... He's... Planning on staying here. Permanently." Sanemi said.

"W-What..? But he promised... He promised he'd go back with m-.. Us..." Muichiro said in a disappointed voice. He closed his hands into loose fists.

"I tried to talk him into changing his mind, but he insisted on staying. Maybe you can talk to him... He might listen to you..." Sanemi said as he left the room.

Muichiro was left alone in the room.


"Why... Why would he want to stay here..? I get it, it's his homeworld, but why make promises, then..?!" Muichiro was mumbling to himself as he made way to Genya's room.

Genya had woken up from the nap and was just sitting in his room, texting his friends. The lights weren't on, so it was a bit dark.

Muichiro barged into the room angrily.

"Whoa- Muichiro, what happened-? What made you so angry?" Genya said in complete confusion.

"YOU LYING PIECE OF- UGH! WHY ARE YOU SUCH A STUPID LIAR?!" Muichiro shouted, slamming the door behind him.

"W-What are you talking about-"


Muichiro being angry... That's something Genya has never seen before. It's actually... It's quite intimidating.

"If you're not going to explain anything to me, then I won't have any ideas about why you're angry!" Genya said.

Muichiro slapped Genya.

"If you're not planning on coming with me, Yushiro and Tamayo, then why would you promise me..? You stupid, dishonest idiot..!" Muichiro said. His eyes teared up. A tear even streamed down his face. He clenched his fists.

Genya quickly got up and put his phone down.

"Did Sanemi tell you that?" Genya said in a calm voice.

Muichiro didn't do or say anything. He just death stared at Genya.

"Listen, I know I kept insisting on staying here when Sanemi talked to me, but then-" Genya started to talk, but Muichiro slapped him again.

Genya didn't protest against that.

"Why..? Why are you a liar?! In my entire life, I thought I finally made an honest friend... I trusted you, yet this is how you're going to end up treating me?! YOU'RE JUST LIKE THEM! YOU'RE HOR- MPH-"

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