Chapter 24

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"Oh this is so weird... Gosh..." Sarah said.

"Magic is... Actually real..." Connor said.

"...What the actual fuck?!" Mariah said.

"This actually honestly reminds me of Harry Potter, when he is told by Hagrid, that he's a wizard." Alex said, chuckling.

"I had the same reaction, to be honest." Genya chuckled. "Do you feel better, Muichiro?" He then added.

Muichiro nodded.

"It is weird, though... I thought magic wasn't real in this world..." The prince then said.

The others agreed.

"But now imagine how many cool stuff we can do with it!" Connor said enthusiastically.

"You can't really do shit with magic, especially if you don't know how to use it. It's not going to solve your problems, dimwit." Mariah said.

"Baee~ Come on, don't ruin the mood.." Sarah said and hugged Mariah.

"When will this go away?!" Alex shouted worriedly.

"It'll go away soon, don't worry." Muichiro said.

The ball of light disappeared.

"I just realized, that we can use this spell to light up dark places without wasting electricity." Sarah said.

"That's true, but I'm completely flabbergasted..." Connor said.

"Same here..." Alex agreed.

"Genya. I just remembered something." Muichiro said.

"Wow, that's rare coming from you." Genya teased Muichiro.

Muichiro squinched his eyes in annoyance.

"What did you remember?" Genya then asked.

"Remember when I was... Taken by Niiko? I... I dropped my hairpin... Do... Do you have it..?" Muichiro asked.

"Oh... I had it and I think it broke when we were fighting the uppermoons... I'll get you a new one, if that will make you feel better."

"... Oh... That... It was my favourite one..."

"Oh. Sorry... But it was just a hairpin... Don't cry over it." Genya said.

"I wasn't going to cry over a hairpin, Genya. Ah- Right... We were supposed to tell them how you ended up in my world-" Muichiro answered.

"Oh, yeah... About that, haha-" Genya said.

"Yeah, how did you guys meet?" Sarah said. "But before you start... Muichiro can I play with your hair, please?" She added.

"Um... Sure." Muichiro answered.

Sarah got up excitedly and sat next to Muichiro. She started to braid his hair.

Genya felt a tint of jealousy... He doesn't want anyone else to play with Muichiro's hair, or braid it or anything... He wants to be the only one to get to do it...

He clenched his hands and teeth. He got a hang of himself, though.


Genya and Muichiro started telling the story all over again, correcting each other if anything was said wrong and reminding each other some details.


"And that's the whole story of how we ended up in this situation." Muichiro said.

"... So... Muzan is after you two in particular, because you know where the blue spider lillies are, because Genya was poisoned by a very dangerous dragon, who's name is the backwards of fungus and the only way to heal him was with those flowers..?" Connor said.

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