오늘 밤에

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it was late at night and there she was. walking down the dark alley. alone.

16 years old, haseol blamed herself for staying up reading those thick accounting books. she fell asleep at the private room and now she's walking home in an alley that barely even have a light turned on.

"they should really fix these lights" she mumbled, hugging her body

halfway into the walk, she encountered a guy, wearing all black with a mask, walking towards her. and that surely creeped her out. she avoided that man and let him passed through but soon she felt like someone was following her.

there weren't any cars nor human were passing by and the alley was dark. she turned on her phone flashlight. and whenever she felt like she was being followed, she turned around and held her phone up to check.

gripping on her bag tighter, she continued walking her way. however the suspicion of being followed grew.

as she was about to turn towards her neighborhood, someone covered her mouth from behind.

"be quiet and follow me, sweetheart" he whispered

haseol tried to take a peek at him but it was too dark. she tried to free herself but only to be covered her eyes with a blindfold, before carrying her on his shoulders.

after what seemed like eternity, he finally put her down on a material that felt like a bed. she heard a bunch of wailing noises and a loud scream. she became more terrified - basically frozen.

she could only think, is this the moment her scariest nightmare was gonna happen?

she felt her school blazer being taken off before her hand was tied with a rope. then she felt something shifted next to her

"be a good girl ok? oppa will pay you nicely" the person spoke. she felt his hands unbuttoning her clothes and she backed away.

"please...d-don't" she croaked

she tried moving her leg only to realise that she was tied by the ankle. despite that, she moved her legs up and down, but the guy sat on her legs, weighting them.

"don't worry. if you're a good girl then i will treat you well"

he tried to take her top off one more time while his other hand was between her thigh. she pulled away from him and pleaded one more time.

"p-please...i'm— i'm just 16!" she begged. a slap flew across her cheeks and she knew that he didn't care how underaged she was

it also unprecedentedly brought the memories she didn't want to remember

"shut it!" he yelled

haseol quivered and prayed for someone to come save her and these other people here.

the man had unbuttoned her clothes and his hands now rubbing her thigh, though she wore a t-shirt underneath which she actually thought she made the right despite the weather being hot. just then a gunshot was heard. haseol let out a scream and so did the others who she had heard. she trembled as the man on top of her left to see what was happening. although it was faint, she overheard their conversation.

"wah~ your boss still runs this shit hole? i thought it went down after we raided it last year" a guy laughed

"what do you want?"

"your boss"

a scoff was heard, "do you think he's a random ahjussi? he's someone important, unlike you guys"

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