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haseol drank her coffee while waiting for her lovely brother to come down from his office.

she was currently waiting in front of the coffee shop, shifting her feet uncomfortably in the vivid red d'orsay pumps.

the siblings was invited to an opening party which explains why haseol was fancily dressed.

her red velvet sweetheart neckline dress, complemented with a white - red flowered patterned - front slit skirt. her black purse hung itself on her elbows as she sipped from her coffee.

staying up all night studying wasn't the best choice that day.

she reconsidered on calling her brother but before she could press the phone icon, her brother stepped out from the elevator.

catching up to him, heels clacking against the floor, "thought you were cancelling. could use some sleep"

"you only know your sleep. don't embarrass me by yawning at the opening" hamin warned, entering the car

closing the door and adjusting her dress, she spoke, "you're just mad that i'm doing better than you"

"who said i'm mad? i'm not the one shooting some bullets at a board"

"and i'm not the one messing up a report everyday"

hamin glared at haseol and rolled his eyes, "you're lovely ex is going to be there. just go bother him"

"who? seonwoo?"

"who else?"

i don't really want to meet him...

"i didn't know you'd be here"

haseol turned around and saw kevin with a glass of white wine, "hey!" she waved

the night air brushed through the couple and they chuckled as they saw how both of them shivered lightly at it.

they sat at the dock behind the mansion. the opening turned out to be just a open house for another wealth person. they finished building their 'dream house' and to flaunt it, they did an open house.

walking closer to her, kevin asked, "why are you outside?"

"it was packed inside" she shrugged

he leaned by the fence, taking a closer look at her, "how's your training?"

"it's normal"

kevin frowned at her short and monotone answer, "are you sure? you look tired"

"really? i thought the makeup would suffice my tired face" she sighed, shrugging, "guess not"

"you ok?" kevin reached out for haseol's  hands and interwined it together.

he couldn't deny the spark inside him as it happened. the foreign feeling seeping throughout his body. he couldn't help but notice how their hands fitted each other and how their warmth complemented each other.

"i...i'm just tired. you know, normal student stuff" haseol stretched her neck towards the side, "assignments, classes, homeworks, presentations, projects, trainings...yeah it's a lot going on in my plate"

"you should take a few rest in between. it's not good to overwork yourself"

"i just can't rest. when i do, i feel anxious knowing that those things aren't finished yet"

kevin pursed his lips. he didn't like that haseol was overworking about this stuff. he doesn't want her to feel tired and burdened.

"your parents...did they say anything about this?"

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