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haseol didn't know that she was moving that fast.

it felt like yesterday when she went to take her stuff from her previous university but now she was in front of the new university.

"are you sure you'll be ok alone?" sangyeon asked worriedly

"yes!" she laughed, "i'm 21 already"

"you're still a baby to me"

"i didn't know you were that old" she gasped

sangyeon rolled his eyes jokingly, "hurry up and go in"

"kicking me out so fast?" she pouted

"why? you need a good luck kiss on first day?"

"too early" she slapped his arms.

sangyeon chuckled, "hurry. you'll be late"

haseol waved sangyeon a goodbye before running inside.

she thought it was easy to find the reception lounge but apparently it wasn't.

"excuse me... do you know where the reception lounge is?"

"oh? i'm going to there to. let's go together"

as they walked, haseol introduced herself, "i'm haseol, you?"

"jung jisung. are you new too?"

"yeah. you too?"

"yeah! i moved from britain"

"and i moved from another city. it feels weird when you suddenly move after getting attending in another university"

"you attended another university before this?" jisung asked, shocked

"yeah. but i came here for personal reasons"

"ah~ but what made you attend this one?"

"because the shooting team was good"

"you're in the shooting club?"

"yeah. i used to be a national player at france but i moved back here"

"so i'm talking to a celebrity?"

"pretty much" she boasted, earning a hearty laugh from both parties

"so both of you are my new student?" ms. sooyoung or joy, asked as she saw the two. they sat by the hallway window, jisung sat next to the window while haseol next to him.

"yes, i'm im haseol"

"and i'm jung jisung"

"you can sit wherever you want. make yourself comfortable" she smiled

ms. sooyoung closed the blinds to show the displays from the projector, when the door was harshly slid open.

"minhyuk. hurry up come in. i'm about to start"

minhyuk? that minhyuk?

she shot her head towards the door awaiting for the owner of the said name to enter.

"i'm sorry, ms. sooyoung"

it is him

and he saw me

"ms. sooyoung, who are they?"

"they're your new classmates"

minhyuk saw the empty seat next to her and had a menacing smile.

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