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"i don't know kevin. how are you sure she won't report us?"

currently kevin had gathered his members in his office. they scattered all over the room and couch as he told them about his thoughts

"she would've reported us long ago, hyung. plus i think it's a good thing if she joined" kevin shrugged

"who even is she?" chanhee asked

"she's im gongwon's daughter, haseol" jaehyun answered.

sangyeon turned his attention to jaehyun, "he had a daughter?"

"apparently. but she said she lived in paris for quite awhile" kevin spoke

sangyeon leaned in his seat abd stared at kevin, "what makes you think we should accept her?"

"no offense to changmin and juyeon but she's a terrific shooter-"

"i agree on that" eric and jacob nodded

"if you don't want her to get involved with weapons, she's a great businesswoman"

"no but seriously, she's great" jaehyun interrupted

"also having the im's close to us can benefit a lot"

"also because you like her" juyeon teased

everyone divert their attention to kevin who had a faint blush up his cheeks, "idiot! you weren't supposed to say that!" kevin threw his small pillow at juyeon who laughed,

"don't act like you don't like her!" juyeon stopped laughing and glared at kevin

eric nodded, "i mean she's pretty...and sweet..."

"wait wait - you guys like her?" sunwoo concluded amongst the six that was glaring back and forth at each other.

"feels like i missed a few chapters" younghoon sighed

the other five shook their heads, seeing that they weren't paying attention, "fine" sangyeon started, earning shock filled eyes at him

"we can have her. but - we need to watch her for a while. who knows she's working with other gangs?"

"i doubt it" jacob cutted

"but precautions. just watch her for a month and i'll make a final decision. we'll take turns"

"you ungrateful child!"

a stinging slap flew through her cheeks.

tears fell from haseol's eyes. her hatred filled gaze fell on the figure in front of her, her dad.

"i sent you to go with your brother to make a good relationship with the people there and find a good suitor, not kiss some random person"

she felt angered. her dad made her feel like a doll, sending her somewhere and demands her to meet some people who are obnoxious and tells her to find a suitor amongst them, just to strengthen the business.

she wasn't an object that he could control around.

and definitely she was old enough to do whatever she wants, that includes her making out with kevin at the party.

"so it was just all because of business? you setting me up to go to these meetings, events, parties, was because you wanted to make good relationship with these people? you're also trying to marry me off so that we'll have a stable business partner?"

"yes! now a few of the best suitors had backed out now what are you gonna do?"

"why is it my fault?! i deserve to have some freedom! this whole business thing wasn't my plan! i want to pursue something else but that also isn't my choice! if you are so upset, why don't you just marry them? why am i being dragged around?"

"as long as you live under my roof, you have no option and to follow my words!"

"why are you so cruel? am i really the result of mom's affair? or was it your affair? why am i the one being treated like this? you never treated hamin this badly!"

"im haseol!"

"why does it bother you that i kiss someone when that lovely son of yours cheated on his wife and kept on messing up his job! i kept achieving things and you never congratulated me! you're just biased. you prefer that son of yours over your daughter. never mind. one day, i'll get out from this house and somewhere that i won't be under your control"

haseol picked up her phone and wallet before walking out from her room, towards the door, "young lady... will you be back for dinner?"

"i don't think so, ahjumma..." her shaky voice reflected her look.

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