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"are you sure about...this?" haseol pursed her lips

"absolutely am!" sunwoo nodded, eyes never leaving the road

haseol glared softly at sunwoo and leaned in, "can we rethink about all this?"

"rethink what? i told you what i want and i want this" sunwoo glanced over at haseol, chuckling when he saw her pouting

"what will my friends say if they saw you?"

the car came to a hault as haseol realised he was at the entrance of the parking.

sunwoo turned to face haseol and leaned in closer to her, nose brushing against each other, "just tell them that we're friends..." eyes locking into each other's, lips were now brushing against each other, "...really...close friends..." sunwoo ghosted his lips against hers and pulled back with a smirk.

haseol was baffled. her heart was still racing at a dangerous pace. she huffed and looked away.

today was the day that her and her classmates go on the trip.

they had won against the other departments and the students that joined any team in the department would go on the trip.

even though haseol was gone for almost all the days they held the festival stall, but her teammates were more than happy to let her join the trip.

sunwoo on the other hand had some work at the location they were holding the trip. he decided to tag along and stay at the same hotel.

haseol is worried if her friends or someone would recognise her and upload a picture of her and sunwoo, together, with a caption saying that she was cheating.

seonwoo isn't joining for the trip because if he did the country will go into a whole ruckus. imagine a person who was missing suddenly appeared and after the trip, went back missing?

haseol sigh as she admitted defeat to sunwoo's request.

"this feels nice!" chaehyun beamed

the other students from her department that joined the trip was also present around the table.

they were having a seafood dinner by the beach, alcohol involved.

they separated into three teams, one the seafood team, the beef team, and the market.

haseol was the seafood team.

they bought some fresh seafood and dried snacks. while the beef team went to a local beef market and bought different parts of pork and cow. the market team bought drinks and other snacks, side dishes and seasonings.

after a few drinks and three portions of food were served, they took a break to play some games and get to know each other more.

haseol and jisung took another sip of the beer and leaned into the seat, feeling the ocean breeze blowing.

"it's a shame that only we could join" jisung sighed, "it'll be fun if we have the whole class here and enjoying this"

"i know...i can feel the stress leaving. they would've liked this" hwayoung took a shot of her soju and poured another glass again, "i wish seonwoo could also be here..." hwayoung added. the others agreed with her, except haseol

"should we just hang out again? do this again sometime?" inho, another student who joined, suggested, snacking onto the dried squid

"oh~! we definitely should!" haseol agreed

she took another drink before eating the chips.

her phone rang.

everyone glanced at her as she pulled out her phone, accepting the call.

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