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knife dripping with the red bodily fluid as the male wiped his forehead. the red fluid mixed with the sweat made a mark on the male's forehead.

"yah - i feel like we're near their place"


"im gongwon"

"im gongwon... im gongwon...?" the other male mumbled, "ah! the im haseol? how close?"

"like a few blocks away. do you...?"

"let's go!"

haseol grunted as she held onto her bag tighter.

it was 2 am and she had finished her training and meeting up with seniors from her department.

her phone conveniently died and she had forgotten her powerbank.

she kicked the stone underneath her feet and muttered some cuss words as she pouted. her body ache so bad from those trainings, especially her hands. her feet? don't even mention. they were practically wobbling.

as she was a few houses away from her own, the street light turned off above her. she stopped in her tracks and glanced at it. a cold breeze passed by her as she shivered lightly at it.

the door of the house nearby cracked opened and a creepy feeling ran through her body.

she hugged her body closer and walked away, only to bump into a figure after taking a few steps.

she looked up and saw two male with blood all over their outfit.

haseol instinctively crawled back as she saw the menacing looks they gave her.

"hi haseol" one smiled

the other male walked over to her but she was quick to get on her feet and ran the opposite side. she abandoned her training bag to have easier weight to run. the probability of getting shot by them was high but she doubts that they had a gun since she saw a knife in their hands. but she could be wrong.

she ran through corners and intersections to avoid them but they were still on her tail. she could hear the footsteps getting closer.

thankfully the lord had answered her hasty prayer. she saw changmin, sunwoo and two other guys she didn't recognise.

changmin stood with his hands crossed as sunwoo called for her to hurry up. she pushed through her last strength and reached them.

sunwoo pushed her inside the car parked next to them, along with another guy who was slimmer than the others.

the other guy slid close the door as haseol coughed for air. sunwoo patted her back as he passed her a bottle of water.

she could feel her body giving in from the previous tiredness and the pain.

the other guy noticed how her hands were shaking and immediately guided her towards the seat. he threw off the handbag away from her and directed the air conditioner towards her.

sunwoo kneeled next to her leg and had a hand over her thigh as he brushed her hair away from her sweaty forehead.

her heart was still racing and it seemed like it won't be calmed in the near time. she wanted to know what was happening outside but the strength to turn her head was lost.

sunwoo saw her pale face and knew what was going to happen.

"seol-a stay with me"

she blinked her eyes a few times before giving into the darkness.

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