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now haseol was well over 20, going to 21, and she just came back to korea after being in paris for 5 years

she's grown to be a beautiful woman and her education level was incredible, although she was accepted to a university in the said country late. she just had to help her aunt, hyuna, with a fashion show.

haseol walked over towards the baggage claim area and waited for her bag to come out. as she saw her bag, her hands immediately reached for it. but to her suprise, another person also did. they gripped on the same bag and she shot her head towards the person.

"i'm sorry i believe this is my bag" the man said.

"well i believe the same too" she blinked

"then this probably isn't yours. it'll come around eventually" he softly smiled

"well-" then a bag with the same color and design appeared behind the man. she reached for it and checked it.

"i believe this one is yours. i don't have 3 locks on my zippers" she pointed. the man bent down and saw the locks and blushed in embarrassment.

"well - sorry..." he apologized and returned her bag

"don't worry it happens when you have the same bag!" she smiled

"uhm...so- i'll get going first" he awkwardly looked around. haseol nodded and bowed as he walked away.

she followed behind as she took all her stuff. when she reached the exit, she scanned around for a sign that someone might be waiting for her.

from a far she saw someone with a pink dress. the bubble skirt and the puffed sleeve just spoke for who the girl is.

"minyoung-a!" she pushed the cart towards the friend of hers and engulfed the girl in a huge hug.

"oh my god! it's like a dream seeing you in korea rather than paris!" she mumbled.

"yah. what about me? don't i get a hug?" eunsu, her other bestfriend pouted.

"come here!" she jumped and hugged him by his neck.

"i told you to stop growing, didn't i?" she joked

"sorry. my body is just made to be this tall. plus, i look hot, don't i?" he chuckled after receiving a smack on his haseol

"gosh! i miss the airport smell here!" haseol breathed in.

"come! we've prepared a huge party for you!" minyoung dragged haseol with her, making eunsu the one pushing the luggage.

"what party? i don't agree on being surrounded by unknown people" she raised both her hands.

"don't be a party pooper! we planned this very thoroughly!" eunsu grinned while placing her bags in the trunk.

"the last thing i want to hear from you is that!" she rolled her eyes

"whatever you say, missy. now get in" eunsu motioned her to get in first and followed her behind before closing the door.

from a far, someone was watching her.

"yah kevin! won't you help?" said the guy, struggling with placing his bag.

"hyung. you are practically fit enough to carry this" kevin groaned

"is this how you greet me after a month of not being here?"



"jaehyun. kevin. are you done?" jacob spoke from the car

"yup!" jaehyun answered and saw kevin staring somewhere. he followed his gaze and looked back at kevin

"do you know her?"

"no. but she kinda remind me of someone...why? do you?" kevin asked with interest, which he rarely does.

"nah~ just - a misunderstanding. i thought her bag was mine. in my defense it was the same bag" jaehyun brushed off

"whatever you say hyung. let's go"

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