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saturday came and haseol was getting ready for the party.

she wore a white sweetheart spaghetti strap with a pretty pastel pink flower dress. the bottom had layered designed skirt which flowed when hit with the wind.

she sat by her vanity, doing her makeup and hair while sunwoo laid on her bed, watching, "why are you going early? the party doesn't even start until 8"

"i'm her granddaughter remember? i have to be there earlier than her"

"but that means i won't get to see you for the whole day" he whined

chuckling, she answered, "you've seen me more than enough. plus, i'm still coming back home"

"but it's never enough!" he kicked around

"i'm done!" she cheered and turned to look at sunwoo

sunwoo's breath hitched as he sat up, "let me send you"

he walked out of the room, leaving haseol who was taking he bag and phone before following him.

"woah- where are you going?" jacob asked

"my grandma's birthday party. i'll be home late"

"ah~ the party jaehyun hyung going to?" chanhee nodded


"have fun, baby" kevin who was at the top of the stairs, walked down and gave her a soft peck on her forehead

"sure sure!"

"you're early"

"and you're late"

haseol stomped inside the hall and sat down on her seat, next to her grandma's seat.

her family followed her inside and looked around. haseol had already settled everything before they even arrived.

her mom walked over to her as she sat next to her, "hey..." haseol glanced up from her phone and back down with an uninterested look

"i want to talk"

haseol sigh, putting down her phone. her mom peeked at her phone and raised a brow, "a new phone?"

she cleared her throat. sangyeon bought her a new phone yesterday since she accidentally broke her phone when trying to escape.


"i'm sorry for locking you in your room. i know it was wrong but-"

"but you think we can talk it out if you locked me in there? what is it to talk about mom?! first you guys treated me like an outcast and then you decided to marry me off to some guy - without my knowledge!"

"but it's gye seonwoo-"

"and i have bad history with him! what would you do if your mom or dad marries you off to your ex that gave you an intense heartbreak? i find my own love and who i want to marry!"

"fine! but can't you just move back in? the house feels empty without you"

"weren't you and dad the one who threw me out to paris because i was disgracing the im family just because seonwoo cheated"

"i know! i know what we did was wrong but... can we right the wrong? a second chance"

"what? and be your puppet again? i found somewhere i fit in and i like it. i know that i was the affect of your affair but i just want to be somewhere where someone won't push me like my own family did..."

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