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opening his eyes, he blinked away the dizziness.

his eyes were spinning while his head was banging with pain.

when he finally got a grip of reality, he saw the dark place, lit by a fancy light. it was small but quite bright.

he realised that he's hands was tied behind him and so was his legs. he struggled to move. the more he did, the more he felt the pain. it was digging his flesh. he looked down on his ankle and saw the spikes. it was just a small spike but it was enough to cause pain.

he looked around, trying to find the person he came in with. his eyes found three big cage and another person who sat across the room from him.

he squinted his eyes, trying to recognise the figure.

"aunt...aunt soojung...?" he breathed out. he wasn't sure if she was still alive.

she looked horrible.

from the blood stained dress to the burn marks on her arms and cheeks. she was really thin. also compared to him she was tied up way worst.

chained with a big chains, tied to a rail, wrapped around her ankles, she was connected to the wall. she also wasn't sat on a chair but instead just a mat. next to her was a door which he presumed was the toilet. the rail was long enough to be pulled to the bathroom.

he guessed that whenever she had to use it, she'll have to drag the huge chain and close the door before using it.

he was disgusted.

she was obviously treated like an animal.

they were definitely heartless.

he doubt that haseol knew this was going on.

"you're awake?"

his attention was diverted towards the entrance.

"took you long enough"

"where am i? what are you doing? did you spike our drinks? why is aunt soojung here?"

"i know you have many questions" chanhee pulled a chair from a desk and sat in front of him, "you're inside our basement, this is under our other basement. which haseol doesn't know. she's here because of the same reason minyoung's brother died. and soon to be followed by you"

"you're sick! you're doing this because you love her? this is bullshit!"

"listen here seonwoo. our feelings has nothing to do with you"

"but killing people? in the name of love? that's just-"

"shut it. anyway! we brought you here to be friends with our old friend here! since you know each other then this can work out a lot! enjoy!"

"wait! what about the others?"

"we sent them home. they're fine"

‼️ TW ‼️

"so your lover boys are coming to save you"

"what do you want with me?"

haseol was on the incredibly fancy sofa. she was chained - by the neck, like a dog. for a person with this kink would be heaven, unless you were kidnapped.

the male in front of her placed his cigarette between his girlfriends lips and stood up, "you're part of the gang"


"little history lesson, they used to be under me but after they killed my right hand man, they fled and created another group"

"that right hand of yours might provoked them that's why they did that!"

he chuckled, "that's why they like you! you're naive!"

he walked over towards her and bends over to her level. his hands pushed her messy hair away from her face and took a closer look at her.

"you're quite pretty"

"oppa, can i do it first?" the girl behind hims asked

"sure you can darling"

the girl giddily stood up and say next to her. haseol uncomfortably shift in her seat, trying to move away from her. the girl pulled her closer and placed her hands over her thighs.

"please no..." haseol pleaded. she knew where this was going.

"aww honey, don't be shy~ i'll go easy on you. i'm sanghee by the way...in case you needed a name to scream"

when the girl leaned in, haseol leaned away. unsatisfied, the girl sat on her lap and cupped her chin before pulling haseol towards her.

haseol struggled in the kiss. she squirmed and tried pushing the girl away, even when her hands was being underneath the unknown girls leg.

"stop!" the girl yelled.

haseol quivered and looked down. her hair was tugged behind her back. the girl above her dived into her neck, which maked haseol struggled even more.

her eyes swelled up with tears as the female above her continued kissing her neck. no matter how much she moved, the girl on top never stopped

they'll come eventually haseol. just hang in there

‼️ TW END ‼️

"where is she?"

sangyeon glared at the middle-aged male seated in front of him.

"she's fine don't worry"

"easy for you to say. what do you want?"

"what i've always wanted. the gem"

"you're still chasing for the gem? seriously?"

"you stole my blueprint and plan then made it your plan! what do you think was going to happen?!" jungshin yelled

"but we went through the hard work and got it. no way we're going to give that thing to you"

"then no way we're giving your girl back"

"gem break doesn't equal to her"

"but her dad has money that equals to the gem"

"haven't heard the news? her dad barely cares about her"

"oh i forgot that you guys are the lost boys. abandoned by their parents. now you took someone who wasn't abandoned but you made them depend on you. nice move though"

"whatever. just - just let her go"

"i told you, her equals to gem so give me the gem and we'll let her go"

"fine. tomorrow, we'll bring the gem"

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