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after the breakfast, they sat by the living, getting to know each other.

haseol finally got to know the very tall guy, younghoon. he was seated next to her, shyly. so she decided to strike up a conversation. now, he's arms were over her shoulders, and her leaning in for his warmth.

everyone was getting along well with haseol. they learnt a few things that wasn't mentioned by kevin after he went on several dates with her.

"i couldn't believe that you were on a music video while doing this job!" haseol laughed at younghoon as he hid behind her shoulders, his other arms wrapped around her waist.

haseol kept teasing him while looking at the video.

when the music video ended, younghoon was still hiding behind haseol, his cheeks were red after noticing the position he was in, how close haseol was to him.

"by the way, what were you doing out at 2 in the morning last night?" changmin asked, even though he knew the answer to it

"i finished my practice-" and she remembered, "my bag!"

"what bag?" sunwoo looked at her confused

"my training bag!"

younghoon sat back up after feeling her panicking, "what's in there?"

"my school training clothes, my gun, my glasses, my ear cuffs, my-"

"hey hey calm down" chanhee held her knees, brushing his thumbs over it, calming her down, "we'll get your bag back. if not we'll replace those things"

"but my tournament registration is in there" she sadly looked over to them, which made them soft

the tournament registration was important to her since it's the day her parents were going to come since they were the sponsors.

"don't worry. we'll have someone to get it for you" sangyeon softly smiled

"can you? i'm just worried because i might be bothering other businesses that you have-"

"you're not bothering anything, baby" kevin casually said. the others, who was unfamiliar with his pet names for her, shot their heads at him.


"but i just am so curious, why you didn't call us? i mean didn't i tell you not to walk at night?" jacob asked

continued by changmin, "and to call us"

"well my phone died" she apologetically looked down

jacob sighed. he stood up from his seat over to the drawer of the cabinet under the tv. he pulled out a watch that haseol has never seen before.

he walked back her and wrapped it around her wrist, "wear this. kevin and i made this for all us. with this, we'll know where you are, in case of emergencies like last night, and if you press this, it'll alert us if you're in danger"

"are you sure you guys can give me this?"

"you're almost part of us now. plus sangyeon hyung approved you"

"really?" haseol peeked at sangyeon, and he nodded with a soft smile

"now all it takes is for you to agree, even if you don't, we'll still hangout and you'll be in our care still" sangyeon told

haseol thought about it all over again, "but what can i do if i was in here?"

changmin shrugged, "you can use your shooting skills"

"or business knowledge" jaehyun leaned in his chair

"or just nothing and be there to support us" kevin added

"i like the last option" juyeon nodded

"so, even if i'm useless, i can still join?"

"who said about you being useless? but yeah"

"but what are the conditions?"

"live with us, but there's stuff like you can't be in contact with your friends anymore or like be in the same school, because you're school and our area is like so far"

then haseol was lost

the first one and last one was fine but cutting her friends off? just after she came back from paris?

they noticed the appalled look she had. jacob leaned his head against her knees, "we know it's hard. we'll give you time to think about it"

"we don't recommend you to just instantly cut them off but give it like a few months?" younghoon soothingly rubbed his thumbs over her knuckles

i mean...it's not like i had always talked to them when in paris or now right? it won't hurt much...right?

"......i'll join....."

the guys almost bulged when they heard her say the two words.

"w-what?" sunwoo blinked

sighing, "i'll join"

"you're serious?"

"yeah..." younghoon gave her a huge hug which made her slightly stumble

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