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standing in front of her house, she was slightly nervous.

sangyeon thought of moving her in today and now she was hesitant to open the door, though she had to pack her clothes and stuffs.

"just do it for fuck sakes"

she twist open the door and to her surprise, her aunt was there.

"oh? hi darling!" her aunt greeted, with an obvious fake smile

"hello, aunt soojung" she bowed. her anxiety increased as she now not only had to tell her family the news but also her big mouth aunt.

"haseol-a, come sit down. we have some news"

haseol fiddled with her fingers as she walked over to the whole family.

"we've decided that... you'll get married with seonwoo"

then she went blank again

seonwoo? my ex, seonwoo?

"m-married? what? i didn't agree to this!"

"you have no other options. his parents agreed and seonwoo agreed too. we don't expect no for an answer" her aunt said

she stayed silent and took the courage to speak up, "well you have to"

the smug look of her aunt disappeared, "what?"

"i'm not marrying gye seonwoo"

"you will"

"you told me that as long as i live under your roof, i have to follow what you said. but i'm moving out. today. so i won't have to follow what you say. if you really want me to get married to that jerk, tell grandma and ask her to talk to me"

she stormed up her room and slid out both of her huge carriers. her feet scattered throughout her room as she picked her clothes and stuffing them in the suitcases. as she snatched her undergarments, a knock was heard.

"who?!" she yelled

"i-it's sarah..."

guilty, she threw her undergarments into the bag and opened the door. sarah had a sad smile on her face as haseol made way for her to enter.

she stopped on her tracks as she aaw the two big suitcases.

"you're really leaving?"


haseol went into the bathroom and packed her stuff into the toiletries bag. she also took out all her feminine products and placed them inside the bag.

sarah watched as she went back an forth the room and closet.

"i'm sorry"


"i couldn't do anything..."

"it wasn't your fault, unnie. dad and aunt soojung was the one planning it"

"but as your sister i feel bad... i knew how much seonwoo hurts you..."

"you're not to blame unnie. you also had to deal with oppa. and honestly i'm shocked how you managed to stay with him" haseol shook her head as she packed her laptops and necessities.

"only because i was madly in love with him"

"...do you still?" haseol cautiously asked

"i don't know... i feel like i'm falling for someone else that i met at the shop"

"unnie. i don't know if this would help but think you should divorce him and pursue that guy. or just do whatever you want that you couldn't after you married hamin. it's never to late to experience stuff. that's why i'm also moving out"

"where are you moving to?"

"...somewhere far..."

"another country?"

"no but far from here"

"can i still see you again?"

"you can, unnie. if hamin hurts your feelings again, just tell me. i'll beat his ass up"

sarah chuckled, followed by haseol.

out of a sudden, her phone rang. she had it charged while at their house.

are you ready?

haknyeon and younghoon had dropped her off here and waited for her. which she honestly forgot about.

"you're going now?" sarah asked as she saw the notification


sarah stood up as haseol closed her luggage. she called for the maids to help with the bags.

when the bags had exited the room, sarah passed her an envelope.

"what's this?" she opened the envelope and saw a stack of money, "unnie..."

"take it. you can just call me if you need more ok? you're like my own sister so please take care"

haseol tearfully nodded and hugged sarah, "thank you unnie" sarah sniffled and patted haseol's back.

when the two decided to go down, they saw his mom, dad, brother and aunt standing, looking at her.

her mom looked saddened while her dad was nonchalant. her brother? didn't seem interested. and aunt soojung? was too focused on her phone to notice her standing there.

"y-you're going? like really?" her mom asked as she saw the bag making its way outside the house.

"yes" she bowed to them, "thank you for all these years...i guess?"

"i'll get going unnie" she smiled.

haseol walked out of the house and towards the main gate. the maids had bowed at her longer, sending her off.

by the car, she saw how younghoon was placing the bags into the trunk as haknyeon leaned on the car.

"let's go! we have a lot of shopping to do!" haknyeon grinned


"yes!" younghoon seated her on the passenger seat as he sat behind.

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