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"why...why are you doing this?!"

"because you hurt someone" changmin laughed


"who else did you hurt?"

soojung sat there, trembling from fear as she tried recalling the people she had hurt.

"i really cannot remember!"

"well then you need to just remember one of them only" younghoon shrugged, "haseol"


"haseol. your niece" jacob sat on the chair in front of her as changmin placed a knife on her neck.

"did haseol pay you?! how much! i'll double that! please just don't kill me" she cried

"she didn't pay us and we're financially well, thank you very much" younghoon pouted, "but sadly you have to go"

"why! i never hurt her"

"same old talk. i never hurt her and all that. come on! come up with something different!" jacob ranted

"you slapped her, remember? god knows what you did before we knew her" changmin pressed the knife closer to her neck

"forgive me please! i was wrong! please spare me!"

"why would we? we reckon that you're pretty useless in life so it's better to take your life away"

"i will do anything! anything you ask for! just spare me!"

"you're the exact meaning of useless. we don't keep useless stuff"

"then why are you doing this for haseol?!"

"because she's part of us. no one hurts one of us - especially haseol. we protect her and only we can do that"

"she's also useless why would you make her join your group"

"we like her"


"deaf? we like her. she's like the brightest flower amongst these dead ones. she's just the most important person in our lifes so in order for her to be safe and the way she is, is with us"

soojung looked at them as if they had shapeshifted, "you sound crazy"


jacob's phone vibrated and he pulled it out. he took a quick read and stood up, "consider yourself lucky because haseol just came back home" jacob tilted his head and the two others nodded. jacob opened the door and heard an excruciating scream.

he peeked over his shoulders and saw changmin stabbing her thigh with his knife and twisted it a little.

changmin walked out followed by younghoon. soojung hissed in pain as she moved around, trying to release herself and the pain.

back upstairs, haseol skipped inside the home and was met with confused sangyeon, "why are you excited? did something happen?" he asked as he walked over to give her a kiss on the cheeks

"yeah! but i'll tell you later!"

she skipped up to her room leaving the others confused but the grin was plastered on their faces.

"what's with her?" eric asked

"i don't know. she seemed so excited in the car" haknyeon shrugged

"but i think we should steer away from that and to this boy" kevin showed the others his laptop screen and the focused on it

"didn't we see this already?" chanhee frowned

"i know but..." kevin pressed play and a recording started playing

"stop acting like a modest girl and just show us who you truly are! a slut!" minhyuk laughed

"shut up minhyuk!"

haseol winced when her head was yanked back, "im haseol. why are you so defensive? come on. don't tell me you didn't enjoy that?"

"lee minhyuk!"


"shut up! you think you have the upper hand just because of what you did? no - in fact it just adds to the list of things to make your dad disown you"

"haseol. are you finished?" he scoffed

"no. you think you're so fearsome and cool acting like this in front of me but its pathetic. you're just insecure at the fact that both of us are the outsiders in our family but i still get way more attention than you"

"this bitch-"

"if i told this to your dad, what will he say? both of us know he trust me more than you. put your hands on me again and i seriously will hurt you"

"ok - so she was sexually assaulted by minyoung's twin" eric pursed his lips and nodded, "another person to keep the lady company"

sangyeon tapped on kevin's shoulders, "find where he lives" he ordered

the sound of the door swung open upstairs made them scurry off to their original positions.

haseol jumped down and sat next to jaehyun, "so what's the exciting news?" he asked, fingers playing with her hair

"our school is doing a festival and they're doing a school trip for the stall that earns the most!" she grinned

they looked at each other.


"are you joining one of the stalls?" sangyeon asked

"yes! along with some of the other students in the department!"

"when is it?"

"next month! we're opening a street food stall! i'm in charge of the serving!"

"that's exciting"

"wait really?" haseol gasped

"yeah!" sangyeon grinned

she was inside sangyeon's study, just to ask a few questions on something, when he announced to her that she'll come along on a job.

sitting on his lap, she leaned back to take a good look at him, "what should i do?"

"that's the question. because you won't use your gun skills or business knowledge, instead you need to help us with a guy"

"go on"

"you need to butter up to him and take something from him, and in order for that you have to disguise as one of his girl"

"you mean the one where you drink next to him and put up with their bullshits?"

"yeah - but if you don't want to, it's fine! it might be uncomfortable so..."

"i'll be fine"

sangyeon widened his eyes at her, "really? will you be ok?"

"yeah! disguise as his girl, butter him up and wait until he's drunk, take something from him and out, right?"

"yeah, but he might get touchy with you"

"i'm fine, sangyeon"

"when will you start calling me oppa?" he pouted

"i don't know, probably...tomorrow or might be now - who knows" she shrugged

sangyeon chuckled and fixed her bangs lightly. she stared into his eyes. they felt the familiar heartbeat.

"wanna spend time with me?"

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