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haseol laid on her bed as chanhee was cleaning up her bloody ankle. juyeon, who had just finished getting bandaged up by jacob, was on the bed next to her, watching as chanhee did his magic.

she didn't realised it but she kept staring at chanhee.

chanhee did know that she's been burning holes into him. he didn't know how to react - was he supposed to blush, because he did - a lot, or was he supposed to kiss her better, because he would.

haseol was back home for a few hours now and she's seen most of the boys except sangyeon, younghoon, sunwoo, changmin and jaehyun.

she had been thinking if these had happened when she lived with her parents, would she even be saved? would her family even make an effort in finding her?

she was just really grateful that she knew somebody was there to find her if she went missing and would be there for her.

she immediately sniffled when she realised she was going to cry.

juyeon sat up and took a look at her face, seeing her eyes and nose turning red.

he cupped her cheeks and brushed away the tears that left her eyes, "why are you crying, baby?" chanhee asked as he sat next to haseol, holding her trembling hands.

haseol shook her head, "i don't know - i just... i missed you guys so much" she cried

juyeon hugged her and she leaned into his warmth after days of her mentally abusing herself.

chanhee rubbed her knuckles as he watches her cry into juyeon's shoulders.

it really broke his heart.

he knew this'll be happening once if she was part of their lives and he didn't want any harm to her but he knew that they were the only ones that could keep her safe.

haseol pulled away after calming down. she sniffled and chanhee passed her a tissue. haseol wiped her tears and nose.

"now your shirt is we-" she suddenly continued breaking down

juyeon chuckled as she tried to calm down and wipe away the stains on his shoulder. chanhee patted her head and wipe her tears away.

"stop crying. if you cry, i cry" chanhee pouted

haseol frantically nodded and took deep breaths as she calmed down.

"we're here now so don't be sad. we're going nowhere" chanhee brushed the strand of hair that was stuck on her face due to the tears.

"i just - i just don't know what i would do without you guys now... if this happened when i didn't know you guy, i wouldn't even be found! my family won't care except my friends - if they really did..."

"baby..." juyeon cooed, "don't think like that! we love you too much to let go of you! we'll always find you no matter where you go! if you weren't with us right now, we would've had a boring life!"

"coming from the man that is also boring" chanhee included, earning him a soft hit by the other male, "but he's right! let's not think of the what if's and instead think of the things we can do in the future. we would be together and we'll keep you safe from any threats"

haseol wiped her nose and sniffed, "i love you guys so much"

juyeon sadly smiled, not sure if she had accepted their confession or just thought of them just as guardians, "i'm not sure if that's the answer to our confession-"

"it is"

both their eyes almost bulged out and they looked at each other, "wha...what?" chanhee blinked, making sure he's not dreaming

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