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epilogue - a month afterwards

the loud music boomed through the building. lights flickering in bright colours. people grinding, rubbing against each other. drinks were ordered, served.

the club.

where people go to hook up, clubbing, drinking, celebrating and meet some people or new people.

haseol sat by the bar, drinking her highball.

she was in a short light blue tweed dress. her makeup was just perfect with her outfit.

the loud music boomed through the speaker near the bar, but she seemed unfazed.

haseol finished her drink and looked around, finding for someone.

"hey beautiful"

she turned around, feeling a hand placing on her waist. despite the many drinks, perfumes and body odours, this person's smell was very distinguishable.

"you alone?"

haseol leaned by the bar and innocently looked at the male in front of her, "i am...why?"

"why is a pretty lady spending the time alone?"

"i'm quite an outsider. wanna spend time with me?"

"it's an honour"

they talked through the drinks and eventually everything escalated. haseol grabbed his hands and dragged him to one of the booths. a more secluded one.

she threw the male on the seat and sat on his lap, straddling him. pleased, the man rubbed his hands on her thigh.

she's got him where she wanted.

han kangmin

a politician who is debt to the gang.

he borrowed money from them for the promotions and was supposed to win the election but guess it wasn't promising enough, he lost. it might have to do with him visiting clubs.

he was supposed to pay a fine for losing and taking their money.

he also bought huge packages of drugs from them. which he still hasn't paid.

haseol's job was to just lure him into a booth.

but being extra as she is. she decided to have fun. well knowing that her lovers were waiting outside and scolding her by the in ear, it made her excited.

after a round of 'fun', which she faked everything, she sat next to the young politician, putting her undergarments back on.

she pulled out a cigarette and lit it on fire.

as if a cue, the door busted open, revealing three of her beloved, sangyeon, younghoon and eric.

kangmin, obviously shocked, he immediately wore his pants back and stood up. haseol chuckled.

"wha - what are you guys doing here?!" kangmin yelled

"aigoo our politician! didn't you were here!" eric smirked, walking over to haseol, "we just came to pick up what's ours"

kangmin shot his head at haseol then back at the three, "do ... do you know each other?" he asked

"of course! they're my boyfriends!"

"she practically claimed us. look at this thing still fading. it's been a week" sangyeon pointed towards his neck. the faint hickey visible all over his neck, "if you look closer, there's also marks on her thigh"

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