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haseol found herself outside on the balcony again right after the cake. she needed some air, fresh cold air.

she sighed as her hands were on the railing.

she took in the beautiful light view of seoul as a heavy sigh left her lips. at times like this she wished to have a cigarette between her lips but she despises that thing.

"hey there" she turned around to see sunwoo.

"hey" she turned her body to face him. he sat between her legs and brushed the hairs of her shoulders.

"why are you out here in the cold?"

"just wanted some air"

sunwoo looked at her worried. it wasn't like he knew nothing - in fact he knew everything.

he knew that her parents wanted her to get married to seonwoo, she was slapped by her aunt and dad, most importantly the talk between her and seonwoo.

so as per say - jaehyun, chanhee and juyeon was going to deal with that aunt of hers while he stays with her.

he brushed his knuckles on her cheeks - the one that was slapped by soojung - and cupped it.

"you can cry"

"i can't"


"because i wasted my tears over something so stupid everytime that i barely have any tears left"

sunwoo saddened. the girl he love was hurt, how can he sit still?

"i don't want to teach you bad stuff but-" he reached in for his back pocket and pulled out a box of cigarettes and lighter

"you want me to smoke?"

he shrugged, "if you want"

sunwoo pulled out one cigarette and lit it on fire. he passed it to haseol as she placed it between her fingers.

sunwoo told her to try it and she hesitantly did.

she was against smoking but somehow the 11 guys that lived with her managed to make her break every rule she sets out for herself.

from using guns to kill someone - which thankfully hasn't happen yet - to smoking.

sunwoo grinned brightly as she blew out the smoke, coughing. surprisingly, she went back for another.

sunwoo stared at her lips as it wrapped itself around the cigarette butt. he imagined it being on his, as he kissed her senseless.

"am i doing this right?"

sunwoo didn't answer, instead, he took the cigarette away from her and placed it between his lips. inhaling it, he puts away the cigarette and leaned down to her lips.

haseol gasped from the sudden kiss but sunwoo never stopped. the smoke left his mouth as she reciprocated his kiss.

they shared a heated make out as sunwoo was totally high from the kiss. his hands went up her hair as he pulled her deeper. he just craved more for her.

his kisses soon traveled down to her bare neck. his free hands slithered around her waist as his body was close against hers.

haseol was slightly out of her mind - high from the cigarette and the way sunwoo was making love to her neck.

after a few moments, sunwoo burrowed his head into her shoulder. both their chest were pacing up and down as they tried taking in their breath.

haseol had her eyes closed as sunwoo was trying to soak in the fact that he just made out with his crush.

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