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after being back from the shopping spree, which they say that it was just for her new sheets but somehow they stumbled into branded shops for new clothes and decorations for her room.

it wasn't even her who wanted it but somehow they got them.

haseol laughed at them as they unpacked the items they bought while she was in the closet, hanging her clothes.

her room was right between chanhee's and kevin's. which was also why they were inside her room, helping.

"why did you even buy a lot!" chanhee scolded younghoon

"it was pretty! i thought she'll looked good in them!"

"and this?" chanhee showed the small doll that haknyeon bought for displaying in her room.

"i just thought it fitted her whole room! plus it looks cute like her!" haknyeon argued. chanhee gave up and went to help her with the clothes, carrying along the clothes haknyeon and younghoon bought for her.

"they won't know how to save unless they were living on the streets" he groaned

"i really feel like i won't even wear them" she laughed

"oh they'll find an occasion for you to wear them"

"we did some research for schools and we found this" sangyeon passed haseol the file

"we thought it was the best one for you. they also known for the shooting team"

haseol saw the name and at first it didn't struck her as familiar but as she flipped through the file she saw a picture of the student president.


"w-wait- i'm going here?"

"why? is something wrong?"

she couldn't bring herself to tell them.

they spent their time searching for the school so telling them that she didn't want to attend there was distasteful for her

"no...just - yeah i'm fine with it"

"are you sure?"

no. i want to scream and run when i thought of him being close to me again but-


[ if 16 was the bad year of her life, 14 was definitely the worst of all.

she remembered the times where his hands had touched her.

she did though of bleaching her whole body. even better just dip in acid to get rid of those disgusting handprints.

14 years old minhyuk, minyoung and haseol was alone in the house - first bad decision

but when minyoung and haseol was laying on the comforter that was on the floor of minyoung's room, they were playing games and watching some movies right after finals exams, and was trying to get some rest.

when haseol was almost asleep, she could feel a hand on her thigh. that made her wide awake.

she shot her view at her thigh and towards the hand owner, minhyuk.

he placed his hands over her lips and his hands made its way up her breast that was developing.

she squirmed but minhyuk just sat ontop of her body and hands. his hands went back down to her pants. they crept inside her undergarments and it made her shook her head, tears falling on her side.

she tried biting him but he had his hands hard against her lips making her unable to move her lips ]

she woke up, all sweaty again. then she heard a groan next to her, an arm tightened around her waist.

she glanced to the side and saw juyeon sleeping peacefully next to her. juyeon and haseol had watched some movies the night before and they fell asleep with each other

but, she felt the need to wash up her body with soap and scrubbers for 20 times. no matter how safe she felt in his arms, she felt creeped out still.

"are you ok?"

she glanced at juyeon and nodded, "yeah just a nightmare"

juyeon slowly pulled her back on the bed and hugged her tighter, bodies stayed close together. juyeon's hand tapped on her back, putting her back to a sleepy state, feeling comfort and safe.

somehow the deepest memory was coming back and meeting minhyuk again in the near future scares her.

scared that he'll put his hands on her again.

scared that even if she took all this classes on how to protect herself, it'll still be useless

but she knew these eleven guys will protect and comfort her.

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