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the funeral was more of a rushed one to be honest. it was very well together with mr.hwang's funeral - which was next door.

mr.hwang, was also found dead at the same place as minhyuk, the day after minhyuk's body was found. even though the place was closed for inspection, his body was found there.

there was no trace of the murderer but they figured that it might be someone who killed minhyuk too.

unfortunately, the cctv stopped recording right after they closed the place down.

minhyuk's family was more focused on finding the murderer who brutally killed minhyuk and dumped him at those type of places.

haseol and jaehyun, both bowed respectfully and sat at one of the table. she saw how bad minyoung looks.

she had eyebags and her pale face just made her seem like a ghost.

haseol knew that even if the two siblings wasn't close, they still cared for each other.

she knew it was bad to say but ,

she was happy that minhyuk is dead.

she honestly would be happy even if his hands was cut off but somehow him being dead just gave her a little comfort.

"what are you thinking so deep about?" jaehyun asked, "nothing just... how bad minyoung looks..."

then she saw bokhee.

bokhee ran in and signed on the book before taking off her shoes and paid respect. bokhee gave minyoung a tight hug as minyoung broke into small tears.

bokhee then decided to help eunsu with drinks and food for the guests.

but when bokhee met eyes with haseol, she merely glared and gave her a side-eye.

"minyoung might've told her everything"



"let's talk for a moment"

haseol peeked up and saw eunsu walking away. she apologetically looked at jaehyun and followed him.

"look. i don't mind who you date but just...as a friend...why are you pushing us away?"

"i just want to make other friends"

"but can't you make friends while we're still friends? you even spent years outside of korea, you also have many friends. what do you even mean by that?"

"the time i spent with someone else, i realised that i still haven't found a real good friend. i can't just depend on my friends too"

"what do you mean haven't found a real good friend?"

"oh come on eunsu. you think i don't know that you talk behind my back? i hear whenever they talk. you've been saying that i'm spoiled and selfish. you think that you can cover your tracks by still acting like a great friend?"

"ha...haseol. hear me out- i didn't mean all those things! people was talking bad about you so i just tried to blend in but-"

"but just stop there, eunsu. just...just stop...i can't handle this any longer. it's best that we just end all this. tell minyoung that too when she feels better"

"no need"

the two looked behind haseol and saw a lifeless minyoung, "no need to tell me later"

"if you want to unfriend him then fine. but what about me?"

"minyoung-a...you do realise we're close friends because of our dad's businesses? i know you have more close friends outside of this so focus on them. i'm done with dad's business. so in all our business friendship should also end. we also merely became friends because we're neighbours"

minyoung sniffled a bit and nodded, "fine. do whatever you want to do. i don't care anymore. just if that's what you want then so be it. business tie, cut off. but if we ever met each other on the street, let's not greet each other"

"seol-a..." jaehyun stood behind all of them with her stuff. he awkwardly bowed as he interrupted something he shouldn't, "i'm sorry... we have to go"

she nodded and glanced back at her friends, "bye. and...i'm sorry for your loss" haseol walked past them and interwined her hands with jaehyun

"i don't like that she's spending time with him and that other guy. i think they said something that made her change"

"why should we care? she wanted to end things with us"

eunsu held back minyoung, "wait- you really don't care?"

"no? she wanted this 'business relationship' to end so? i'm not her friend anymore"

"what do you want?"

haseol stood by the gate, facing seonwoo.

she had just finished her class and was waiting for eric to pick her up when she came across seonwoo.

"don't you have any other creative line other than 'what do you want?'?"

"i do but my brain just instantly gets lazy to talk to you"

he looked very uninterested with whatever that was going on, "you're coming with me"

"what? i have somewhere to go"

"then let's go together. we still need to talk"

"about what, seonwoo? i specifically told you that we won't be getting married"

"who was the guy at granny's party last time?"


"the one you kissed"

"who- oh..." haseol hid her blush and cleared her throat, "what about him?"

did he saw it too?

"are you dating him?"

"what is it to you?"

"let's start over"

"i'm sorry - what now?"

"start over. we can be like how we were back then. a happy couple"

"and cheat again, wow a smart way to ruin someone's life all over again"

"haseol. i know what i did was wrong and fucked up but i want to make up with you. i just want us to be happy, like how we used to be"

"you're unbelievable - why now? do you know how long i waited for you even after we broke up? i kept waiting despite seeing you cheat on me. and now you're saying you regret everything and want to start again? after 3 years? am i a joke to you? am i that easy?"

"haseol - that's not what i meant-"


haseol peered behind seonwoo and saw eric in the car, waving at her, "i have to go. seonwoo...just - just don't. don't try to say that you regret it, don't say you're sorry, don't say you love me, don't say that you want to get back"

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