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they did.

they went back and forth fighting about this and haseol even tried dissuading them but nothing worked.

now haseol was on her bed. she gave up on hanging out in eric's room but instead they hung out in her room.

the three 'musketeers' refused to sleep in the guest bedroom and was adamant on sleeping in her room.

haseol was on the bed, back against eric's chest, as they watched a movie on the retractable tv. eric played with her hair as her head leaned more onto his touch.

they were so into each other's presence to even remember the other three.

they uncomfortably squirmed on the floor as they were on the look out. they were slowly start to regret the decision.

"i want my bed..." minyoung pouted

"only two nights and we're out" eunsu said

"why did we even refused the guest room?" minyoung groaned

"because we need to see how they are around haseol" bokhee squinted her eyes onto eric's hands that was on haseol's exposed shoulders, "he's too close to her"

haseol was almost asleep. she can feel her eyes closing. eric could also feel that she's getting droopy.

"do you want to sleep?" eric softly whispered by her ears

nodding, she rubbed her eyes. he closed the tv and sat up before laying down with haseol hugging his waist.

"i don't like that they're being all touchy" minyoung frowned

"shouldn't we go check if seonwoo is here?" eunsu spoke up

"he's definitely here. but we don't know the way down and i bet they're everywhere" bokhee laid back down onto the mattress that they were supposed to use for the next two nights.

"but i'm worried if he's dead rather than alive" minyoung laid on bokhee's arms, "he won't be dead. i have a feeling that they have a plan" bokhee sighed

jungshin and sanghee was all tied up on the dining chair. their faces were bruised everywhere, especially sanghee.

due to her getting stabbed by the dagger, her face was pale. the bruises just made it look more worst.

"wah! i told you not to touch her but you did" sangyeon sat in front of the two, legs and hands crossed, eyes boring into the two.

sunwoo had pulled up the footage from the hidden camera in the room and saw the intercourses the two had been having and the ones that included haseol.

jungshin and sanghee didn't know that there was a camera hidden. when sunwoo came out from the room with the camera they were furious and embarrassed.

since when was there a camera in that room?

well when they worked for jungshin and before they quit working under him, it was part of the plan to blackmail him but it turned out that it wasn't necessary so they abandoned it - or more like they forgot about it.

sangyeon glanced at changmin and he nodded. he took the dagger, that was thrown at sanghee, and placed it over jungshin's ear and sliced it off.

"rule number 1, always listen" changmin threw the ear off as jungshin screamed in pain. sanghee cried even though she had cried enough.

"and you-" changmin scanned sanghee up and down, "it's to much blood. i rather deal with you later"

"please don't touch her just let her go" jungshin pleaded, "she just did whatever i asked her to"

"aww lover boy is back" younghoon monotonously said, "she still did it so she's also at fault. she's not going anywhere"

"where's my baby!"

haseol and the others, who was around the dining table, flinched as they heard the loud voice.


in a split second, jaehyun and sunwoo came running into the room.

sunwoo's face brightened as he ran towards haseol, hugging her.

"my love! i missed you!" he pouted. checking all over her body, "you look worse than i thought! i should've just beat him up!" sunwoo cupped her cheeks

"i'm fine sunwoo! have you eaten?" she asked

jaehyun and sunwoo shook their heads and sat on the empty seats

"where's the others?" kevin asked

"they're still at that house. they'll be back later"

throughout the dinner, everyone was conversing happily and laughing, except the three.

they sat there, not even talking to each other. eunsu, minyoung and bokhee kept giving glances at each other if the guys ever made a flirty remark or peppering haseol kisses.

uncomfortable. that's what they're feeling.

the fact that these dangerous people is sitting around the table, eating, laughing and liking someone just scares them.

and they were partially scared if there's drugs in their food like last time.

that night, after everyone retired to their rooms, haseol stayed alone on the bed while her friends were, presumably, asleep.

she rolled over and over but just couldn't bring herself to sleep.

why would seonwoo tell those guys about me? did he realise that i could've died?

suddenly her bedroom door opened slowly.

"haseol? are you already asleep?"

"not yet"

she glanced up and saw jacob by the door, not in his night clothes but something he would wear during a job.

"why are you wearing that? are you going somewhere?"

jacob glanced at her friends and walked in, sitting next to haseol.

"i need to go and help sangyeon-hyung. but before that he wanted me to do something"

haseol grew nervous. she gulped down the huge lump in her throat, "what is it?"

"he wanted me to show seonwoo to you..."

"s-seonwoo?" jacob nodded


"he wants to know what you want to do with him. we just felt like we should let you decide on what happens to him" jacob lowly sighed

haseol's friends, who was still frightened to sleep in a house filled with murderers, shivered as they heard how soft and innocent it sounded from jacob's mouth.

they were practically asking haseol whether they should kill him or not - a high chance of telling her to kill him herself.

haseol bit her lips. she didn't know what to do. she wanted to know why seonwoo did that but her body and mind wasn't ready for the answer or the actions she would do.

jacob sensed her nervousness and held her hands, "i'm not asking you to do it now but you can just tell me whenever ok?"

haseol pursed her lips and nodded, "i'll do it now"

"are you sure?"


jacob carried haseol in a bridal style and walked out of the room. as they were on the stairs, the loud thunder was heard. followed by the heavy rain.

minyoung was a big supernatural believer and this just made her broke down.

"what's wrong?" bokhee worriedly hugged her girlfriend

"i feel like this'll be the last time we'll ever hear about seonwoo and that haseol will make a bad decision"


happy fasting!

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