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"don't you think she's taking a long time?" changmin questioned

haseol was away for about half an hour now and they haven't had any text or seen her anywhere near. even her teammates was searching for her.

chanhee frowned, a bad feeling filled him, "i feel like something happened...call...call kevin to check where she is"

"there must be a cctv somewhere!" younghoon groaned, looking around.

after they contacted kevin, he told them that she was still in the building and went in to check just to find her watch on the ground.

"who do you think it is?" sunwoo opened a question

"i don't know! it's like so many people to list out!" chanhee freaked out.

"first, kevin you check all the cctv in the school ground. the others let's find for any clues" sangyeon ordered

as they split up, each group has two people, as kevin stayed in the car, searching up any clues from the cctv or anything.

chanhee with jacob, haknyeon with eric, younghoon with jaehyun, changmin with sunwoo, and sangyeon with juyeon.

they split up and searched across the whole building with 3 teams outside and two inside. they wished that haseol was still there - they hope that she is.

sangyeon and juyeon searched outside by the stalls area. their heads turn left and right, eyes prying to find the girl.

seonwoo, who was the only one who saw the two running around, suspected that something might be up.

"have you guys seen haseol?" seonwoo looked up and saw juyeon panting, concern written over his face.

"no i don't think so...why?" jisung shook his head.

seonwoo turned his head at the three old friends and they were also looking at him. minyoung had her eyes widened, worried something might happen to haseol.

"if you guys ever saw her, ask her to call us" and with that he ran away

"do you think something happened to haseol?"

"i don't know... let's hope it's nothing big..."

seonwoo bit his lip and puts down the spatula, "guys...i need to go to the toilet"

"huh? ok"

seonwoo untied his apron and ran towards the direction of where juyeon and sangyeon went. following behind him was the three friends. though they didn't forget to bring the thick file along with them.

by the time he caught up with them, they were surrounding a car. the backseat door was open as they were around it.

before he could call out to them, a hand placed itself on his shoulder. shocked, he glanced next to him and saw eunsu pursing his lips.

"let's go together"

with a confidence boost, they made their way towards the group and bokhee cleared her throat.

the 11 of them frowned and looked over at the four friends, "oh? what are you doing here?" juyeon started

"did you find haseol?" sunwoo guessed

"no but we also wanna where she is" eunsu replied

"we're not sure...we'll call you once we find he-"

"no. we know something happened to her and it's because of you guys so tell us where" seonwoo pointed

"because of us?" jaehyun raised his brows, "why?"

minyoung threw the files at sangyeon and he glanced up and down from the files and the four.

he opened the files and widened his eyes. taken aback, he flipped through every page and shot his head up.

the others, curious, they took the book away and flipped through it. the mixed feelings was evident. but surely, they were pissed.

"because you guys are dangerous people! we don't want her to be influenced and get hurt!" bokhee ranted

juyeon leaned in and whispered in sangyeon's ear as sangyeon's eyes bore into theirs.

clearing his throat, sangyeon spoke, "who did you ask this for?"

"who cares?!"

"we care because there's a high chance the people you asked to do research of us, kidnapped her"

the four went pale - especially seonwoo. if she was actually kidnapped by those people, he was at fault.

"you're kidding?"

"do we look like we're kidding? we are the ones who is even worried as the time goes by. we need to find her" kevin grunted

"can't we just tell the police and ask them to help?" minyoung voiced

"no! do you want her to die? or do you think it'll take a few days for them to find her?" chanhee objected


jacob, who was at the front passenger seat, interjected, "how do you think we got up to here? in this illegal industry? so it's either we do it our way or your way. heads up, she could die if you do it your way"

"how are you sure she won't die if it was done the other way?"

"because we are. so tell us who"

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