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"your office is quite big..." haseol mumbled as jaehyun walked her towards his desk

"it's not that big person" he grinned as he sat her down on his chair

"why do you have a place this big? i mean yeah you're rich but this is like -"

he cocked a brow at her, "your dad's office is also big" as he sat at the edge of his desk, facing her

his body towered agains the girl as his eyes pierced against hers. she felt herself getting warm from the stare - despite the cold air conditioner.

"but it's not this big" she scrunched her face

jaehyun chuckled and reached for her hand, "i have something for you"

jaehyun used his free hands to pull out the drawer and a small velvet box. haseol squinted her eyes at the gold encrusted letter on the box, ihs, her initials.

"what is that?" she questioned

"a necklace" jaehyun pulled out the necklace from inside the box and showed her a simple small pendant, it was like a tear drop design.

she immediately knew what it was

"jae...jaehyun...this is..."

"yeah. also-" he flipped the pendant and there was a light trace of her initials.

he softly pulled her up and turned her around, "consider this a welcome gift"

"welcome gift for what?"

"for being a special person in my life and heart?"

"but this is very expensive!"

"it's not that expensive" he turned her back and centred the necklace before smiling at her

she pouted, "thank you"

"if you're thankful" he pointed towards his cheeks but haseol felt a rush of boldness and leaned in to peck his lips

jaehyun stood there, stunned. he did not expect that she'll kiss his lips - but that left him wanting for more.

he hooked his hands behind her head and pulled her back for another kiss. haseol gasped at the sudden roughness, hands placed each side of jaehyun on the table as he placed his other hand on her waist.

their lips found the perfect rhythm as they engulfed themselves in the moment. it was a delicate kiss and it was the type the male never went through

this only made haseol's heart flutter even harder as the thought of sneakily making out with the company's ceo in his office.

it sounded childish but, office romance made her heart race.

"mr.lee - oh god!" the two broke the kiss as jaehyun peered lightly behind his shoulders. he pushed haseol to lean her head on his shoulders, as both chest was frantically pacing up and down. his broad shoulders perfectly covered haseol from his assistant's eyes.

haseol could feel his heartbeat that was as fast as hers. she felt her cheeks reddened from remembering that he also likes her.

"what is it?"

"the...the business conference students are here to meet you" his assistant stuttered, "i can ask them to come later"

"don't worry. just ask them to come in"

"n-now...?" his assistant was hesitant since haseol was still there


"i think i should get going..." haseol mumbled, pushing herself away from him

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