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it was surely a bad idea rebelling against your parents until 9p.m.

haseol sat at the porch of the convenience store, the ramen bowl was left with the soup and a can of empty beer placed in front of her. millions of thoughts ran through her mind.

what if she really was an accidental pregnancy through her parents affair?

what if she can never escape from her parents hold?

what if she actually ruined her father's business?

although the millions of 'what if's' bothered her mind, she couldn't help but think about kevin's offer.

would it even be ok if i lived with them?


haseol turned around as her name was called and saw jacob with two other men behind him. she politely bowed at the men, who bowed back.

"what are you doing here? ah - these are my friends, you know..." haseol nodded and slightly smiled, shaking off her worries, "hello! i'm haseol"

"oh ~ so you're the im haseol... i'm changmin" he waved

"and i'm sunwoo"

haseol grinned at the two but sunwoo's eyes caught the beer on the table, "what were you doing outside late at night, drinking?"

haseol looked down on the table and cheekily peered at the three, "sort of a quick stress relief before going home...?" she nervously chuckled

"still, it's dark and dangerous outside. you should've called a friend to stay with you" changmin scolded

"my friends are quite busy... it'll be quick and i'll go back"

"but we can't leave you alone here. come, we'll send you home" jacob offered

"but that's unnecessary... i wanted to take some air and you know relieve stress while walking along the way home"

"i don't like what i hear" sunwoo shook his head


"walking home, alone. no no no"

"but -"

"let's go out for a drive then we'll send you back home" changmin had a gentle smile as he spoke which haseol unexpectedly liked

"how can i trust you guys?" she joked

"well if we did something bad to you, we give you permission to throw us down a cliff" sunwoo grinned, hands extended for her to hold.

she pretended to think about it and interlaced with sunwoo's hands, "instead of a cliff, change it to sea. i could use a little view"

"whatever you want, my lady"

"why are you home late?" her dad asked as soon as she stepped through the door.

haseol didn't respond but instead she bowed.

it was 1a.m.

it was really late. haseol was caught up enjoying her time with the three to even remember the time.

they went for a drive alongside a beach and stopped. they played by the sand and water. which explains her pants have a speck of sand and damp from it. they also went to eat at a local seafood restaurant, where she discovered jacob was allergic to prawns.

it was overall a fun and great night. she felt herself relieved from the stress momentarily.

"why aren't you answering? where were you? why are you home late?"

"somewhere non-beneficial for the company"

"answer correctly"

"i went to the beach with some friends. happy? i'm going up. goodnight"

as she closed the door, her phone pinged with notifications.

if you want to have a drink or stress relief time, hit me up
or if you need a lift,
even if you don't have any reason to call
just call me

don't go out until late at night
you can call us if you need help
or if you need a friend,
you can call us
or me

get some rest
don't stress yourself too much
if you need someone to talk to just call me
even if you just want to meet up, just call
or for no reason at all
you can call
rest well

she could feel that they were concerned. she was thankful that they were accepting and friendly towards her. making her feel comfortable and happy.

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