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competition day. she was quite nervous.

it was either because she her dad and brother is there, but also because sangyeon, jacob and eric was there.

her ex-bestfriends too.

she sat at her side, nervously drinking her water. haseol glanced at the special guests and saw that her dad was conversing with the other guests next to him.

she could feel all her confidence sucking away from her. for the nth time, she drank her water.

jacob saw how nervous she was and thankfully they sat at the front row, close to her.

"psst, seol!"

haseol turned around and ran towards them, "nervous?" jacob asked

"very! my dad is like right there! and so is my brother! my ex-friends are there! i feel like i have to do well!"

"don't worry. you do realise you're better than that boy" sangyeon pointed at eric


"but you'll do well! who are you after all? you're haseol!"

haseol nodded and the whistle was heard, "i'll promise to do well!" she grinned

though haseol did a good job during her round, but unfortunately another team won. she was still relieved at the fact that she did well.

while packing, her brother came by, "yah"

haseol glanced up and was greeted by a small bouquet of flowers, "you...you did well" he awkwardly mumbled.


"...are you going anywhere afterwards?"

"not sure. why?"

"dad asked you to have dinner with us, including mom and sarah"

"i'm not sure... i don't think i'll be going. i'm quite busy..."

hamin nodded and walked away after saying goodbye.


just as she almost sat down, she looked over to see her old friends handing a flower, "you did a good job"

"thanks" she smiled awkwardly

the atmosphere was immediately engulfed by awkwardness. none of them knew what to say or to talk about.

just as minyoung was about to speak up, eric called for her, "seol! are you done...?" eric stopped next to her after noticing her friends presence, "oh-?"

"yeah i'm almost done... hold this for a sec" haseol gave the flowers to eric and wrapped up her packing.

when she stood up, eric took her bag as she glanced at her old friends, "well...i'll go first...thanks for the flower"

both of them walked outside and haseol could see the car. but she stopped eric once they step foot outside.

eric looked at her, confused, "why?" haseol glanced at the flowers and grabbed them all before shoving them in the nearby trash.

"let's go" she ran towards the car

eric glanced at the flowers in the trash and smirked before catching up to her.

"i'm soooo under dressed!" she whined

"no you're not! you look completely fine!" sangyeon hugged her

haseol pouted, "but look at everyone! they're all wearing dresses and fancy clothing!"

jacob chuckled, ruffling her hair, "you look great in anything, sweetheart. no need to compare with those who dresses up fancily"

"besides look at us! we're also underdressed" eric chimed, "but you guys are saved by the looks! i'm nowhere near saving!" earning a laugh by the three

once the elevator opens, haseol alongside the three other male, walked out and was greeted by the entrance of the restaurant.

it was surely grand

"yes? how may i help you?"

"we're looking for the table booked under the name hyunjae" eric told the front desk

"hyunjae...ah ~ let me show you the table"

they followed the staff and haseol took note of everyone in the restaurant.

they wore fancy clothes, branded names, dresses, suits, or anywhere near satin and velvet. and there she was. in her school jacket, and a school shirt underneath. they wore heels, boots and dress shoes while she wore sneakers.

"i knew i should've brought a dress when they said dinner outside" she mumbled lowly but it was caught by eric next to her.

"come on, you look just fine! nothing is wrong with wearing your training clothes after a tournament! you can tell them that you're an athlete trying celebrate after the game" he comforted

well technically he's not wrong

as they entered the private room, a boy passed by behind them and took a glance at the four. before the door closed, he took another glance, to confirm.


since the room was covered with a tinted glass. he couldn't peek inside but he was sure he saw haseol.

bothered, he walked away to his friends, "what's wrong with you now?" taejoon, his bestfriend asked


"yeah why are you suddenly so down?" his other friend, kijun asked

they used to be in the same soccer team. they've been together for years and they knew everything about each other.

"i think i saw haseol"

"haseol? like im haseol?" kijun frowned

"yes, that haseol"

taejoon took a sip of his wine, "did you greet her?" seonwoo shook his head and sighed, "she was with some guys...i don't know"

"guys? how many?"

"like...10? maybe? not sure but around that number"

"only...guys? like male?" kijun had a surprise look on his face

"yeah...i don't know anymore"

"hey. i thought you were going to make her yours again? the confidence just disappeared?" taejoon laughed

"one of her friends say that she goes out with her male friends during lunch and that they all might have a crush on her"

"gye seonwoo, the used to be playboy, is competing with 11 guys over one girl" kijun theorised

"but something about those guys gave me weird vibes"

"you've met them before?" taejoon asked

"yeah but i don't like them"

"then what? you pay people to investigate about them and reveal the truth at her and save her like those dramas?" kijun laughed

seonwoo blankly stared at kijun, "y-yah...don't tell me you'll do that..."

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