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once haseol reached the basement, she saw seonwoo, being tied up by a chair.

he didn't look bad. as if he was well fed and there wasn't any injuries. his clothes was also still clean and no speck of blood anywhere

seonwoo glanced up and saw haseol, being placed down by jacob, "h-haseol-a!"

he was happy that haseol was back but he noticed her ankle, "what happened?!"

"nothing...i just wanted to make sure you're fine" she held onto jacob's hands, in case he goes somewhere.

"haseol listen to me. whatever these people tell you, they're all fake! it's all made up! i heard their plan! your aunt is in the basement underneath us and she's being held like a dog!"

"what now seonwoo! what more lies are you feeding into my ears?!"

"what? i'm not lying!"

"really? so tell me, honestly, why did you tell that guy about me?"

"i did not! i never did!"

"but you did ask him to find out about the people around me! you did tell him about me and i was taken against my will!"

"i didn't mean it in that way! i never wanted to hurt you!"

"oh you did! the moment that i found you on my cousin's bed, you hurt me. you made me miserable and after all those years of crying about some stupid things, but now when i finally found the people that won't ever hurt me and will be with me along the way, you still want to make me miserable ?"

"but they're dangerous people haseol! they kill people and they're practically possessive of you!"

"but at least they won't try to sell me to the devil"

"look - i don't care if you want to kill me or do anything to me! but i want the best for you! if we ever met on the streets, we won't say hi or better we don't have to cross each other's paths! just...just don't be with them!"

haseol looked away and saw the gun in jacob's holster. jacob worriedly glanced at haseol as she stopped speaking and saw that she was looking at his gun. so did seonwoo.

seonwoo saw how her hands was restraining the urge to take it out and shoot. oh how he wished haseol's wildest instincts doesn't appear and do that.

he wished that the brightest angel was on his side

but fallen angels also exists

and coincidentally it's standing next to her.

jacob raised a brow at seonwoo and lets go of haseol's hand. he reached for the gun and handed it to haseol.

shocked, she shot her head at him, "i told you. it's up to you to do anything to him"

she peered at seonwoo and back to the gun.

his life was in her hands now

and which option is she going to pick?

follow the dark angel?

or the light angel?

following the option on the left, which is the fallen angel seonwoo referred to, jacob.

she hesitantly took the gun in her hands and held it up to seonwoo. her arms were trembling.

she didn't know how to feel. her fingers were right on the trigger and all it took was a press and he's gone.

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