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"hyung are you seriously going to give him the gem?" juyeon asked once sangyeon closed the door

"are you crazy?! we went through a lot to get that!" followed by eric

chanhee shook sangyeon's body, trying to snap him back into reality, "hyung that's ridiculous!"

"relax i have a plan"

"you know i can hear you loud and clear"

the eleven of them glared at the tied up male, "oh shut up! even that lady isn't as noisy as you!" eric rolled his eyes

"once i'm out of here i will tell the whole world about you guys!" seonwoo threatened

"oh please you'll never get out of here" jacob scoffed, "not unless you're dead at least"

"why are you guys doing this?"

"doing what? please be specific" sunwoo crossed his arms

"this! tying me here! tying her here! haseol! and whatever this industry does! don't you guys have something more productive to do? like going back to college or opening a shop!"

"if we did would we be here? plus we didn't have a good start in life like you did. we started this knowing that we couldn't stop it so you have no talk in our business" kevin pointed

"what about jaehyun?"

jaehyun shrugged, "our company was started when we started doing this. we needed funding and so we created this and basically blew up"

"you guys are smart and talented people but why this?" seonwoo pointed out

"just because we're smart and talented, do we have to stuck to the original concept of office or by the book? we have fun doing this and you have fun in doing something else! who are you to talk about someone else's life? - this is probably why haseol hates you" changmin rubbed his nose bridge


"well whatever. we have no time to spend time with you when haseol is clearly in danger" younghoon walked over to a shelf and picked out a duck tape. he taped it over seonwoo's mouth and smiled at him.

"there you go! peace!"

"welcome back to my manor! i believe you brought the gem along with you!" jungshin grinned. his girlfriend, sanghee, jumped next to jungshin, her eyes never leaving the black case.

sangyeon pushed him away and sat on the couch, followed by younghoon. he placed the case on the table and eyed the two couple.

"i expected that you have your minions standing by the door and around the house but i assume no" sangyeon started

"unlike you, we have money to move around"

"where's haseol?" younghoon asked

"she's upstairs"

upstairs, haseol was still chained, but instead of her neck, it was by her ankle. she was chained on the huge sofa by the king bed.

she wanted rest

she needed rest.

not only she was sexually assaulted, but she had to watch a sexual intercourse between the two couple and another multiple male and female.

it started by the day she came and up to last night.

she wanted to sleep but those rabbit like hormones of people and their sound was very unpleasant.

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