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gracing his fingertips over her hair, sunwoo and haseol was cuddling next to each other as they enjoyed the animation movie.

it was now 8am.

haseol thought she had a few more extra time before going back to her room and sunwoo also has extra time before heading out.

enjoying the movie, sunwoo decided to ask, "what will you do with seonwoo?"

"him? i don't know..."

"do you still like him?" to which haseol sat up to look at him, the blanket followed along, exposing sunwoo's shirtless body, "are you crazy?!"

"you seem to care about him more than this sunwoo..." he pouted, fiddling with her finger

"if i care for him, would i do this with you?"

sunwoo sat up and look at haseol with sad puppy eyes.

"but you can do this with anyone... i might not be important to you..."

haseol felt a tug in her heart. she didn't mean to hurt sunwoo in any way. she thought, if she kept seonwoo there, for a while more, then throw him somewhere when the search for him dies down.

haseol cupped his jaw on each side and brushed a thumb over his cheeks, "then once we get back, i'll deal with him. how about that?"

"will you shoot him?" the way those sinful words came out from his lips with a soft and gentle tone, made haseol more swayed

"if that'll make my sunwoo happy, then i have too"

sunwoo seemed satisfied with the answer as he brightened up.

haseol, seeing him satisfied and happy, she stood up and took a towel from the closet.

"where you going?" sunwoo's eyes followed her as she stopped in front of the bathroom

"um... shower?" a mischievous smirk played its way to his lips as he raised a brow at her.

"i heard shower sex is dangerous, but...it's practically my job"

"sunwoo - before i take back my words, you better stop" she rolled her eyes

"how can i when you look hot in my shirt - all messy! however - it'll look better on th - op!" he was cut off as haseol threw the hotel slipper at him

"stupid sunwoo" haseol grunted

sunwoo laughed as haseol continues to cuss him out. he wore his watch as they waited for the elevator.

one can assume that they're late, seeing how haseol was frustratedly pressing on the elevator button and stomping in place.

well sunwoo decided to 'join' haseol and it took way longer than expected which resulted to them both being late.

when the elevator arrived, she hurriedly ran inside and pressed on her room floor. haseol still had to go back and change since she was still in the clothes from the day before.

"i'll be done late today. if you need anything, you can still call me but if i don't answer you, you can call the others" sunwoo informed.


"come on! what's with the attitude? i didn't remember you having this attitude last night and just now" he teased

haseol glared at sunwoo as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders, "i'm not in the mood for your song reference"

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