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"yeah! didn't your dad tell you? i'm doing my 64th birthday party on this saturday!"

haseol blankly stared at her laptop.

it's in two days.

she had forgotten her grandma's birthday.

it's been exactly a week since she moved in with them and it was going really well. they've gotten real close and really comfortable in just a seven day span. she also haven't contact her friends in those periods of time.

haseol and the others had shared friendly kisses on the cheeks and forehead but everytime it happens she has this heart fluttering moment. she's also have been sleeping (in the non-sexual way) together with some of them occasionally.

and about minhyuk... well he's still a dick but we don't talk about him now.

the shooting team was better than her previous school. they already had a good reputation making her tournament schedule not that pack like before.

jisung had now become almost like a close friend of her. they just click on very well and they were stuck with each other at school - except break time because the guys wants her to eat with them

"a-ah~ he did but i forgot, you know tournaments and practice"

"my darling, that's alright! but i want to see you there! wear prettily!"

"but grandma! what is the theme?"

"there's none! well - flowers would be nice but there's no specific theme"

"ok! see you there grandma!"

as soon as she hung up, haseol ran towards her closet to find an appropriate outfit

"what the fuck?! why are there no formal outfits?!"

"what are you looking for?"

she flinched and looked at the male. chanhee looked at her amused that she was furiously pushing away the clothes.

"i'm trying to find some nice clothes for my grandma's birthday party!" she pursed her lips, trying to remember the dress her grandma once bought for her but she never wore them.

but the problem was... it's back at her parents house.

chanhee walked inside and stood next to her. he skimmed through her closet.



"the clothes that my grandma bought for me is at my parents house" she frustratedly took in a breath

"do you want me to send you there?"

"can you?" her eyes naturally turned into a doe and chanhee felt his heart skipping a beat

he patted her head and gave a light peck on it, "come"

haseol wore the house slipper and walked inside, bowing at her brother and mom who was in the living room.

"ha-haseol-a... what are you doing here?" her mom stood up as she saw haseol entered the house

"just leave her mo- ack-!" hamin was cut off when her mom slapped his back

"it's just for a while. i'm packing up the dresses and i'll be out" she walked up stairs to her room and went through the closet, picking out a few dresses and stuffing them in her suitcase

that's when she heard the lock

she didn't much of it at first but her worries overtook her mind as she walked over the door and tried to open it.

she kept twisting but the door never budged

she knocked, "h-hello? is anyone outside? please...please open up!" she furiously twisted the handle

"i'm sorry haseol..."

"mom... mom! please open this up!"

"i can't! i don't want you to go away again! stay and let's work this all out!" her mom cried

"no... please, mom! just... open this! nothing can be worked out anymore, please!"

"i'm sorry darling"

haseol looked around the room and saw the balcony. she opened the sliding door and peered down the balcony

"shit it's too high"

it was too high - but if she landed correctly, she'll be fine.

she scavenged the closet and under her bed for a bag that could fit the dresses.

she then threw the bag out of the room - watching it fall to the ground - and took a deep breath as she jumped down.

as she landed, she landed on her butt - the stinging pain made her wince. she wore the bag and went to the front door. she was about to open it but it suddenly opened in front of her.

thankfully, it was the maid, "ahjumma, can you help me take my shoes?"

the maid looked at her, her black off-shoulder dress was now tainted with dirt as the house slipper was left on her right foot.

the maid nodded and reached in to take the shoes, giving it to her as she hurriedly wore them, "thank you!" she ran off and opened the door to chanhee's car.

"what happened?" he asked as he saw the dirt and messy hair

"long story - let's go"

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