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"where in the world is your student president?" ms. sooyoung groaned, "we need him to discuss for the festival"

"where do you think he went?" jisung whispered to haseol

"probably overslept? i don't know"

"and he overslept for three days? yeah right"

minhyuk has been absent for 3 whole days and no one could get hold of him.

the teachers did try to call him since he's the school president, but they couldn't get through his phone. they did call his parents but they brushed it off as a 'runaway' and said he'll return.

haseol was honestly happy that minhyuk wasn't anywhere to be seen. she was relieved that she didn't have to face his picking and touchy hands.

oh how bad she wants it off

"so seol you just need to take this" eric pushed her a photo and she inspected it.

she recognised it.

her dad also has it.

so does her grandma.

it was some sort of access card. it had extravagant carvings and the holders name.

haseol didn't know what this card was for. all she knew was that the holder needs to have it on them everytime. she once played with her grandma's card and was scolded, which was the first and last time her grandma ever scolded her.

"he has it in his jacket most of the time so you can find it there" he added

"what is it for?" she mumbled

"i'm sorry?" jaehyun glanced at her

"what is it for? my dad and grandma also has it"

they looked at each other, "your family has this?" juyeon asked, acting surprised

"specifically my dad and grandma but yeah. what's it for?"

"it's for a secret organisation, sort of" sunwoo said, leaning onto the table

"secret organisation? what do they do?"

"well...some sort of funding. they build connections through this organisation and when one gets in trouble for something, the others will cover it up"

"in general, it's just a group with people bribing each other left and right"

"as far as we know, the mayor, the seoul chief police, this guy and shin woosung, the news ceo, is part of this. and now your dad and grandma"

"i never knew grandma would do that type of stuff" she was more of impressed rather than disappointed. like just when you thought your grandma was just a young, pure soul, she's suddenly doing bad stuff behind people

"what if you lost the card?"

"you won't be able to enter, everything you have will fall into pieces and sometimes you can get killed"

well shit

no wonder grandma was overprotective over that card

"well when are we doing this?"

"whenever you're ready"

"i'm nervous" haseol shifted in her seat of the booth as kevin typed away on his laptop.

"i still think that this - is too revealing" haknyeon pouted

haseol was wearing a black bralette with a sheer white shirt tucked into her short white leather skirt.

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