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"why is it so hard to meet you these days?" minyoung groaned, sitting on the bench.

"sorry. i was busy with classes and trainings"

eunsu frowned when he saw haseol saddened, "did something happen?"

"hmm? nothing just... tired"

"are you sure?"

"...what if someone came to you and offered something to good to be true? like living with them, financially supported, they'll care and do everything for you-"

"who are you talking about? are you going somewhere?"

haseol stayed quiet. she was still thinking about the offer and multiple bad thoughts ran through her mind.

"wherever you're going, tell us"

haseol typed away on her laptop. her coffee and cupcake were remained untouched as she was too focused on her assignment.

as she did, a knock was heard from the space beside her. she glanced up and saw eric with a guy behind him.

it seems like i've been coming across them these few weeks.

haseol took a quick peek at the guy and clearly he had a sense of pride. he was tall and you could tell that he worked out a lot.

"oh? hey!" she greeted him

"you look like you're getting sucked into the laptop" he chuckled as haseol blushed.

he ruffled her hair and took a seat next to her followed by his friend

"i'm just trying to finish this goddamn assignments" she stretched

eric peeked at his friend, avoiding the fact that her top rode up a little, "oh this is sangyeon. the oldest and leader"

"ah nice to meet you! i'm im haseol" she bowed, "sangyeon. heard a lot about you from these guys" he bowed back

haseol blushed, "hope it's a good thing"

"it is don't worry"

"what brings you guys here? i feel like i've been seeing one of you guys lately - especially kevin"

"that hyung never sits still!" eric groaned, jealousy slowly seeping in him when knowing that kevin had chances to meet her

"we talk a lot so he'll come by and help
with my work or just to chat"

"you never gave me your number!" he whined

haseol patted on his head and laughed when she saw him pouting like a child.

"why didn't you just ask?"

"i...was shy..."

haseol giggled harder. she reached for the sticky note next to her coffee and wrote her number, "here"

"see hyung! i told you she's harmless!" eric assured as they got in the car

"well she doesn't look like she's in any gangs"

"you don't have to worry about her. the only thing you have to worry about is bomin trying to steal our crate - can i have one calm delivery day?" eric groaned

"them again?"

sangyeon grunted and looked out of the windshield to see haseol peacefully drinking her coffee. she looked at peace and ethereal while doing so.

the smile spreading on her lips caught his heart.

she looked so soft and happy enjoying the little stuff in life.

it made him want to protect her and a guilty conscience reminded him that she shouldn't get involved with the job they're doing.

eric saw how his hyung was gracing through her features.

his eyes going soft at the girl by the coffee shop.

it was just a matter of time that the rest will come to a conclusion of bringing her in. although he did feel guilty of ripping her away from her peaceful and normal life.

but he knew that most of them were falling in love with her, fast and deep.

even if they didn't join them, they couldn't just let her go that easily, especially when she caught all of their hearts.

she also was already involved with them the moment they rescued her from that hellish prostitution operation.

they knew that they were caught up in whatever spell she had casted over them.

only she doesn't know about it

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