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haseol patiently stayed still as the makeup artist and hair stylist did their magic on her. she listened as minyoung talked to her girlfriend, bokhee.

"bokhee~ when are you coming back?" minyoung pouted

"really?! you are very sure! oh my god! haseol-a! bokhee is coming here next month!" minyoung excitedly shared the news

"really? that's great news! bokhee-a! don't forget to bring back a present!" she laughed

"bokhee said she will. and she wished you happy birthday!"

"thank you, sweetheart!" haseol grinned

haseol dressed beautifully in a white long-sleeved laced cascade neck blouse and a tight midi dirty blue colored front slit skirt that had flower patterns on it. she tied it with a lace that was almost a darker shade than her skirt. her wavy hair sat prettily over her shoulders as she talked with her aunt.

"so...now you're accepted in that amazing university, and you're legal...when are you getting married?"

It's always the same question.

"i'm not ready yet. but who knows? i might get drunk and suddenly the next morning i'll have a ring on my finger?" she joked. her aunt stayed quiet at the response. she looked around and saw kevin, jacob, eric and juyeon walked in, next to them was jaehyun and another guy she's never met.

i was sure they were more than that...

"excuse me" she smiled at her aunt and walked towards the group.

"you guys actually came! except for you since you had to come" she pointed at jaehyun, who gave her a slight giggle

"obviously we'd come! oh! this is haknyeon!" kevin introduced

"hi! i'm haseol! im haseol"

"haknyeon. ju haknyeon" he grinned

"here! a birthday gift!" jaehyun passed her the huge paper bag that had a cute ribbon tied on the handle.

"oh my! you shouldn't have-!" she gasped looking at them

"we have two more" kevin showed his and so did jacob.

"huh-? why did you bring so many gifts!"

"i mean- it's your birthday! of course we should! originally we planned on bringing one present each but-"

"if you did, just know i won't accept it"

"that's why we didn't" kevin laughed

"anyway - you look pretty!" eric complimented which made her blush

"thank you" she giggled

"haseol!" she turned around and saw her brother gesturing for her to come.

"oh - sorry my brother is calling! have some food and drinks!" she offered and ran towards her brother.

"thank you everyone for coming to my one and only daughter's 21st birthday party! she grew up to be a wonderful woman making me and her mother proud. i remember the time she came to me saying she wanted to take shooting lessons-"

"i remember seeing her crying so much that day" her brother interrupted making haseol cover her rosy face as she felt a group of people looking at her.

"i thought she saw her friends taking those lessons and envied them. but nonetheless she was persistent on taking one which eventually became her biggest achievements. though my son will be taking the company, i wish that she could be the second in command in the company. i really have not many trust on my son—" the crowd laughed at her dad's statement while her brother whined

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