ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔒𝔫𝔢

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"Little lady, careful there" Ser Ambrose quickly rushed to the small girl and plucked the wet fish from her chubby baby fingers to toss it back into the water "Sailors only keep the big fish, to eat"

"But I want a fishie" the kid's face started scrunching up in an upcoming tantrum, the many days on a boat nonstop and the wet sea air getting to her, until her mother spotted something in the distance.

"Look Jaehaera! DragonStone!" the little girl's attention quickly shifted.

She raised her arms at the man behind her who picked her up gingerly so she could see the upcoming island.

"Auntie Ror!" little Jaehaerys exclaimed.

"Yes! We're going to see auntie Aurora" Helaena said to her three children.



Aurora changed into one of her signature blue gowns (strangely similar to one of Daenerys'), ready to receive the little children she considered her own family. Helaena, the twins; Jaehaera and Jaehaerys, and the youngest, Maelor, had given her company and entertainment during the boring days she had spent up in King's Landing and the children had grown to think of her like an aunt.

 Helaena, the twins; Jaehaera and Jaehaerys, and the youngest, Maelor, had given her company and entertainment during the boring days she had spent up in King's Landing and the children had grown to think of her like an aunt

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(Imagine this is Aurora)

With quick steps and the baby dragon still on her shoulder, she left her room after ensuring the remaining eggs were safe and warm whilst she was out. Just in case anyone decided to come inside she had wedged the small chest inside which she had placed them underneath a few loose floorboards (they were already 100% loose before she got to DragonStone. It's not like she forced some open with a knife).

She stilled her heart and prepared herself for the possible questions she would get when people saw the dragon on her shoulder. Sure enough, when she crossed the Queen Rhaenyra down the hall the queen froze.

"Aurora, what is that?" the queen's tone of voice wasn't made but she certainly sounded astounded.

"My Queen, this is Drogos" Aurora took the baby dragon and presented him to Rhaenyra "Drogos bow naejot se dāria" (Drogos bow to the Queen).

She had to whisper the command a few more times with short demonstrations of her own before the baby understood what she wanted and jerked his head down to the Queen, after it looking back up at the woman holding him as if looking for praise.

"Sȳz job issa valonqar" she scratched him gently under his scaly chin (Good job my boy).

"Incredible" Rhaenyra whispered "How did this happen? When?"

"Last night I was trying to warm the eggs up but I neared one far too close to the fire. I was worried something would happen to it so I placed it with myself during the night to make sure it would be fine. This morning I found Drogos there instead"

"There has never been a recorded case in Targaryen history of someone being able to claim two dragons together. You truly are something Aurora Belgrave"

Aurora let out a sigh she hadn't known she had been holding in, when the queen chose not to berate her any further about the new dragon. She must be happy there was yet another dragon on their side.

"I heard that my sister's ship has been spotted off the shore" Rhaenyra motioned for the younger woman to walk with her "The necessary preparations have been put in place to greet her and her children"

"Thank you your grace"

"Before we go out to join the others, there was something I wanted to give you something" Rhaenyra stopped at the exit and turned her body to face Aurora "You were given the title of maester by my father at a very young age, which is no small feat, but the fact remains that you are a woman, and the very first female maester at that..."

"Yes?" Aurora nervously tangled her fingers in her hair reaching behind her for the baby on her shoulder, looking for further comfort. Where was this leading.

"...You have otherwise proven time and time again that you are far more capable than any male maester we have. You have managed things no other has been able to in the Seven Kingdoms" Rhaenyra reached into her skirts "It might not be the time for a full ceremony to do this considering the circumstances we are in at the moment, but I, Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, first of my name, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Lady of the Seven Kingdoms and protector of the realm, present you with this chain..." from beneath her skirts the pale haired queen pulled out a golden chain and place it over Aurora's shoulders gingerly "...and name you Grand Maester"

It was not a very protocolled action, only the two of them and a very young dragon
were witnesses, but no one would truly call out any complaints especially to the queen.

"Thank you my Queen" Aurora curtsied shortly to keep Drogos from falling off but lowering her face to try and hide her blush and wet eyes.

She was very grateful and proud of herself. She had managed to make a name for herself and her hard work had finally paid off. Not just in titles but in relationships. She finally had a family and friends as well as people that would protect her and have her back.


Large red eyes watched as the female lowered her head. She didn't sound sad, but happy. He nuzzled his nose into her bright hair not truly understanding her reaction or what was going on, but determined to protect this female and keep her for himself.

Drogos held onto the strange texture beneath his claws as the female straightened herself. He heard her mutter a few soft incomprehensible words to him as a finger got closer to his face. He looked at it in curiosity as it made its way under his chin and scratched.


Aurora smiled lightly as Drogos purred when she caressed under his chin to calm her nerves.

Rhaenyra led her out the door where they were joined by Daemon, Rhaenys, the other four kids and only two knights. It was a small group that was going to be greeting the arrivals as the rest of the nobles had been instructed to keep to their homes and the servants were taking care of the castle, food and baby Visenya.

Luckily the baby had grown quickly so Aurora could see Rhaenyra wasn't as anxious to leave her daughter's side as she was at the beginning.

Once they were all together, Daemon took one glance at the dragon on Aurora's shoulder and the woman saw a greedy glint appear in his eyes.

The girls also took one glance at the baby, and immediately fawned over him.

"What is his name Aurora?" Baela asked as she and her sister showered the proud lizard with attention.

"Drogos is his name girls" Aurora saw the dragon raise his head as if already understanding just how impressive he was "Try not to get too big a head little one" Aurora thought as she allowed him to slither down her arms so the girls could reach him more easily.

"Do..." before Rhaena could ask a question, a roar quietened them down.

A blue dragon came down from the clouds in the sky, making its way straight to the caves not too far from DragonStone.


Helaena smiled as her kids 'aaweed' when Dreamfyre passed over them and inland. Even from the ship she could see a group of people waiting for them. They had finally arrived.

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