ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔬𝔲𝔯𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢

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Once the woman was out of the room, Aegon slumped down on the Iron Throne, letting out a hiss as he cut his hand. He kept a blank look in his eyes as he surveyed the numerous wounds on his hands, rolling up his sleeves to see more.


Alicent stormed into her chambers, alone once again. She paused and turned to the figure breathing slowly under the blankets despite the warm climate.

"I have tried so hard dear, so very hard, to keep this family from falling apart" she said softly, a single red curl falling in front of her face as it signifying disorder in her neatly combed hair.

For once, she didn't bother to brush it back behind her ears.

"What is this?" Rhaenyra asked. When a servant had told her lady Rhaenys and Aurora had found something, she hadn't really expected it to be Vaemond Velaryon.

"A gift your highness" Aurora said.

The man had been patched up quickly and tied loosely before immediately being sent to see the queen. Now he stood between both of the women who had found him, prince Lucerys stood with his betrothed behind Aurora, his older brother with his own fiancee as well by their mother.

"What is this man doing here, wounded at that?" the queen asked.

"We found him on our way out. When asked what he was doing coming to Dragonstone, he said he wanted the princess Helaena and her children, as well as Lucerys Velaryon's head" Aurora explained.

"You dare to demand things from us?" Rhaenyra spoke to Vaemond indignantly.

The man, in his half delirious state from the pain, simply spit at her shoes, this action receiving a punch to his face that nearly sent him to the floor had Aurora and Rhaenys not been there to hold him up.

"Jace!" the queen called her eldest son back as he shook his hand after the hit "Did you really think for a moment your demands would be met? That I would bow down to you so easily with but a few men, when your brother stands with Driftmark by my side?"

"My brother...is a traitor" Vaemond spoke up for the first time, his teeth stained red from the cut he had received "And your bastard sons stain the blood of our people"

This got him another hit in the face, by the queen herself this time.

"As much as I would like to take care of you myself, I will have to let your brother decide your fate" she hissed out.

The miserable man was taken away as Rhaenyra barked her orders to prepare a ship with men and guards to take him back to Driftmark.

"Aurora" she called for the younger woman "If you could go check up on Visenya..."

"Of course my queen, let me take all this off and I'll go" Aurora ran up to her room, throwing off her armour and slipping into the clean dress she wore around the young princess.


The girl was fine. She was progressing quickly. Since the queen had gone into the room with her, Aurora decided to try something.

"Rhaenyra" the serious tone of voice she took made the queen stiffen up in her spot on the bed "I believe that princess Visenya is strong enough to come out of the crib for short periods of time. It's time she came out for a bit and met her mother"

The statement made Rhaenyra smile with a relieved gasp. Aurora slowly opened a fraction of the crystal crib, slipping her gloved arms inside to cradle the babe inside. She slid her out gently placing her in the waiting queens arms.

Rhaenyra let out a teary smile as she looked down at her child, alive and well in her arms.

"My sweet baby girl" Rhaenyra lowered her forehead onto her daughter's with tears threatening to run out of her eyes.

Aurora smiled at the sight, her heart wrenching as she remembered how her mother from a previous life had abandoned her and her mother here had died before even getting to meet her. Her closest mother figure, she realised, was Rhaenys. That took her thoughts to her father hwo she had not seen in a while.

"My queen" Rhaenyra looked up from her babe with her caring look still in her eyes "Do you think it would be possible for me to go visit my father, it has been far too long since I have seen him and I am getting kind of homesick"

"Whatever you want Aurora. That is the least I owe you" with another smile from the queen, Aurora left the queen in her room fawning over her child, making sure to tell a maester passing by that the baby had to be back in the crib in a few hours.


Alicent had rushed all throughout the King's Landing palace looking for her second son, her only remaining one that would possibly listen to her. Aegon was a drunk fool, Helaena was in Dragonstone, either kidnapped or sent there of her own volition the Dowager queen did not want to know, Daeron was far too young to know what his mother wanted to converse about.

Her second son remained, but he didn't. Aemond Targaryen was nowhere to be seen by anyone. His dragon was out and gone as well as a bag most probably filled with his clothes missing from the wardrobes.

With a scream Alicent flipped over the study table in her son's room, the sound reverberating across the palace making several maids turn around in fear.


Many feet above King's Landing, Aemond Targaryen turned his head to catch the last glimpse of the palace he had spent his whole life in and where the rest of his family was. Then he turned back forward making sure to grab onto the reins of his large dragon, Vhagar.

But he wasn't flying the dragon to Dragonstone, no, first he would be arriving at the Belgrave estate where Aurora had said he would be welcomed. The trip of usually three days would be shorter on Vhagar's wingspan.

His decision made, the runaway prince pulled at the reins that directed the huge she dragon and she turned her large form in that direction.


"Are you sure you have to take him?" Baela pouted "Or leave yourself at all?"

Aurora carefully pulled the baby dragon from the girl's arms and struggled a bit with him at the bags she carried.

"Yes I'm sure of it Baela" she kissed the lady's brow as well as her sisters before walking out with them following behind.

Rhaenyra was still with her child but Rhaenys was there to see Aurora off.

"The eggs have been placed in your chamber" Aurora whispered to the older woman as they hugged goodbye, just in case.

When she pulled away with a pointed look to Rhaenys, she quickly walked over to Thanatos, climbing up a bit slower since the dragon in her arms had fallen asleep. Once she was situated, she waved her arm at the four princes and princesses as well as Rhaenys before Thanatos lifted his wings and took off.

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