ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔶 𝔖𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔫

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"Woo. Good thing I didn't fall or it would have been rather embarrassing" she told the man.

"And I have already seen enough of that to make me laugh a lifetime" the man grunted as he remembered the many falls and rolls the lady had gone through trying to learn new tricks with the dragon who had humoured them all.

They encouraged their horses to join the rest of the group again.

"What is it Aurora?" the queen Rhaenyra asked her.

"We can already see Redfort from up there, only about ten more minutes on horseback. It also looks like they are more than ready to welcome us in" she said, referring to the crowd of people that had been gathering at the doors of the city.

"Good" Rhaenyra said. She picked her head up and raised her arm, motioning for the dragon riders and dragons to remain behind the group on horseback "Ser Redfort" A young tousled haired knight rode forth to have his horse besides the queen "You are home now. Enjoy it whilst you can"


The lord of Redfort waited with the rest of his people as the large army on horses got closer, a thunder of dragons flying above them, a massive black dragon had been seen from miles away and it was recognised as a dragon from queen Rhaenyra 's side.

His son was amongst the knights and he could not wait to see him.



Indeed they had been received warmly by all, even the dragons had not been feared of, although that might have been because Thanatos and Aurora sometimes strayed a bit further away from their territory than they should have and they were used to seeing the large black dragon.

Aurora gave her horse over to one of the squires that rushed up to her along with the other horses.

"That was quite a presentation of your dragon Aurora" Cregan walked over to her after also hanging his reins over to another young boy who eagerly took them.

"Why thank you Cregan, would you like to meet him up closer?" Aurora asked him, half teasingly and half serious.

"Well, right now?" Cregan would lie if he didn't say he was nervous.

"Sure" Aurora didn't know why she was being so forward to a man she met less than a week ago (the only thing she could think of was that he was attractive and that might be the reason, but that was ridiculous).

Cregan followed right behind Aurora as the lady made her way through the crowd of people who wanted to say hello. The two nobles got stopped sometimes when too many people gathered in front of them while the men from Dragonstone were directed forward by the lord of Redfort to where they could settle their tents and weapons, and stuff.

Aurora and Cregan made their way to where Rhaenys had told the princes and ladies to land their dragons. There was a large empty field, possibly because it was sterile land, which was big enough for even Thanatos to be there besides all the other dragons.

The moment the black dragon saw her he pushed the other dragons aside eagerly to make his way over to her. Cregan reeled back a bit when the dragon's massive head lowered down by their side.

"Thanatos bisa iksos Cregan Stark, nykeā...raqiros" she told the dragon hesitantly (Thanatos this is Cregan Stark, a...friend).


Thanatos was getting used to travelling to so many new places. Sure he had flown over them before he had partnered up with his little two legs. He had finally found a home where he didn't feel completely bothered by the presence of other dragons. That morning they had left his mate's home and travelled all the way near to where he lived with his little one.

He had to carry the other two legs female apart from his own but luckily for her he actually was fond of her.

Now she was presenting to him another two legs with her. It looked different, hairier and bigger than her. He caught a whiff of him and felt bewilderment, a male?

Oh, it must be her mate, like Meleys was to him. He didn't really feel like being nice to the male, but he was Thanatos' little partner's mate so he had to be nice.


Aurora chuckled when her dragon made what looked like a grimace when he caught a sniff of the man she had brought forward to him.

"He takes a while to get used to people" she told the man sheepishly.

"I'd prefer that to be honest" he told her.

"Are you scared?" she decided to risk it and tease him.

"Of course I am not afraid of a black, fire breathing dragon bigger than a palace" the man surprisingly said in sarcasm, she didn't think a lord from the North would have that in him.

"Of course not" she smiled.

"Aurora, lord Stark" Rhaenys walked out from behind her own dragon along with prince Jacaerys, prince Lucerys, lady Baela and lady Rhaena "I believe we should be going now. I'm sure lord Redfort will be wanting to see all of us"



"We're almost there my lord" Ser Criston Cole told Otto Hightower.

"Faster, we have to get there faster" the man growled.

"Ser if I might ask, why do you wish to get to Redfort so quickly?" the man asked Otto.

"We must secure their territory. If we do so we will have another opportunity at having the upper hand"

"But my lord, didn't Redfort renew their vows to the princess Rhaenyra, I doubt they would change their loyalties so fast" Cole said.

The Hand grew silent, his face hardening under the glare of the afternoon sun. He had been driving the men with him hard and nearly without rest.

Otto was actually hoping that Rhaenyra had sent the Belgrave girl back to Rooks Rest to defend it and so they wouldn't have to go against The Cannibal as well as the troops from Dragonstone. At least that was what he had told the men to keep them from running away and deserting.

"Tell them to stop, we're pausing to rest up for a bit" lord Lannister told a man who rode up to the front of the lines to do as he said "We'll arrive at Redfort tomorrow morning"

Otto grumbled but said nothing.

Some of the men sneered at the man that was supposed to be leading them as Aegon, the moment they stopped and Sunfyre landed, brought out a capped bottle from his leather bags and took a deep swig of it.

Criston Cole stared at Otto Hightower's back as he had several squires take the lords' horses for cold water and a bit of grass. The man was beginning to think he had gotten on the wrong side of the war.

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