ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔶 𝔒𝔫𝔢

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The two women walked down to the dining room where most of the people had already been seated. Baela and Rhaena moved the chair in between them back with smiles for Aurora to sit down with them and Rhaenys took her place at Baela' s side. The boys were facing the women with Lucerys in front of Rhaena and Jacaerys in front of Baela. Daemon was seated right across from his cousin Rhaenys so the only two people remaining would be seating at the heads of the table.

Cregan Stark came in first, seating himself at the head of the table close to Aurora. The queen Rhaenyra then followed inside and sat by her husband and aunt.

"Let us dine" Daemon raised his arm to motion for the servants to bring in the food.

The plates came in together and in large numbers being placed down on the table. Dishes of different meat and fish, vegetable and even dried fruits with fresh baked bread.

Everyone waited for the queen to take the first bite as she served herself, and then everyone joined in.

Aurora enjoyed the ham as she laughed at something Jacaerys said from when he used to train when young.

"So lady Aurora" Cregan spoke up to her bringing attention to the three girls "How are you related to the queen in any way?"

"Oh I am not a Targaryen at all my lord. There were a few other families that came to Westeros from Old Valyria and my mother was from a different house. That is the reason for my white hair" she explained.

"Oh" Cregan smiled at the lady "How interesting. And is it also true what we have heard that you claimed the black dragon The Cannibal, which is quite the beast"

"Indeed" Aurora smiled at the man's curiosity "Though his name now is Thanatos"

"I would very much like to see him tomorrow if you do not mind" Cregan continued as he took another bite of his own meat.

Aurora threw a glance at Rhaenyra at the other head of the table. The queen nodded her head ever so slightly to tell her it was fine.

"Of course my lord" Aurora said.

As the conversation between the two of them ended Aurora retook the one she was having with Rhaenys. Cregan stared at the young woman's face a bit more before turning to the young princess who were quite eager to ask him about the North.

"On another note, will you be pledging the new bows to Rhaenyra as queen of the Seven Kingdoms?" Daemon leaned forward on his chair over the table forgetting the conversation he had been holding with his wife and interrupting Lucerys who was in the middle of asking the man of the North another excited question, a look in his eyes making it clear he was wanting trouble.

"Of course prince Daemon, the Stark's always keep their vows. As my father did, I will do so as well" Cregan Stark looked nearly offended at the Targaryen prince questioning his loyalty "And the North is not stupid enough to go against the queen with such power as your wife lord"

Cregan added, nodding his head to Rhaenyra in respect.

"A toast then" Aurora said, standing from her chair with her goblet in hand. Rhaenys and Rhaenyra were quick to comply and soon the others followed "To new allies and friends"

They all cheered and drank from their own goblets, though Aurora and Rhaenys had made sure that Lucerys and Rhaena had only been poured juice.


Cregan went to the room where he had been placed in and took off his boots. Him and his men were staying at a building for guests by the main castle and it had actually surprised him that they had enough room to house all of his men.

As he took of the layers of clothes to change into his night clothes, he couldn't help but think of the lady Belgrave. It was quite obvious that the lady was beautiful and Cregan hadn't really seen any other woman as enthralling as her. Her two coloured eyes pulled him in every time he stared at them.

There was also the fact that she was a skilled fighter from what he had heard. There had been many tales, that reached the North by merchants and even people from Dorne, about the lord Brandon Belgrave. The man was known to be a beast with the sword as well as the rest of the men that came from Rook Rest.


In her room Aurora brushed out her wet curls with Drogos staring up at her in curiosity. She was going to be honest with herself, Cregan Stark was a handsome man and he was clearly loyal. He was also rathe well built and tall and...

Aurora dropped her brush and reached over for the closest pillow to the bathroom calmly. She flipped her hair behind her neck elegantly and took a deep breath in before stuffing her face into it and shouting, having the pillow muffle the sound, making Drogos, in turn, jerk his head back like a chicken in surprise at the noise.


"Goodnight momma" Jaehaerys said while yawning to his mother as she tucked the two twins in bed.

"Goodnight my sweets" Helaena kissed their foreheads and exited their room quietly to not wake up the sister who was already asleep.

"Are the kids asleep?" Helaena turned to the man with long dark hair who had been waiting for her outside the room.

"They are. I might be turning in as well. It's late" she said softly.

Barran had to hold himself back from reaching over and cupping the princess' cheek gently, so he just smiled down at her softly.

"Then I bid you goodnight my lady" he said.

Helaena surprised him when she stepped forward on the tips of her feet and planted a 'friendly' kiss on his cheek. The princess didn't appear to be aware of what her action caused the man as she turned away and hummed, directing herself to the room right besides her children's.

On the inside, Helaena's heart beat fast and strong, her lips pulling into a smile so large it hurt her cheeks.


Otto now sat, his dinner finished, in his dark study. Papers of all types of things which had once been in organised towers on his desk were now scattered across the floor as the man tried to think of any way he could take back the advantage and power. He couldn't send his men after Helaena and the heirs of Aegon as not only would Aemond be there with Vhagar, but so would the whole of Rooks Rest, and he knew as everyone did just how talented those men (and women) were.

DriftMark would be an even harder placed to strike since it was an island and their troops would easily be spotted before they could reach the shores of the place.

He could only hope to send Aegon and Daeron on their dragons to lead the ones in DragonStone away so the men from Kings Landing could have even the smallest chance of success. But then he remembered that not too long ago ships from the North had been spotted heading over to DragonStone, most likely to present themselves to the queen. There had never been a Stark that forgot their vow (until season 8 of Game Of Thrones, which they should've tried to milk much more out of the books to end it well🙄).

Otto spent the rest of the night like so, panicking on what his next move would be despite not seeing the near impossibility of it.

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