ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔣𝔱𝔶 𝔉𝔦𝔳𝔢

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"Since Aurora met Thanatos we have adjusted to making accommodations for the dragon and even managed to dig out a bit further into the caves so there was enough room for more dragons" Brandon explained.

"Oh, that's good" the princess said "Dreamfyre jikagon se jikagon ezīmagon se caves konīr. Ao kostagon mazverdagon aōla rȳ lenton kesīr" (Dreamfyre go and go into the caves there. You can make yourself at home here).

The she dragon complied with her rider's question and let out a low below as she begun trudging her way up to the mountain side where the caves were.

"Arrax follow Dreamfyre. Ilon henujagon hemtubis" Jacaerys told his own dragon (Vermax follow her. We leave tomorrow).

The smaller dragon did so and both of the lizards left.

"Now we can go inside" Aurora's father motioned for them to follow him inside "The cooks are preparing supper at this moment"

All right so I might have made an error in the travel time between Dragonstone and Driftmark so just to specify:

From Driftmark to Dragonstone -----> about 1 to 2 hours on dragon / 2 to 3 hours by ship.

From Driftmark / Dragonstone to King's Landing -----> a few days on dragon.

From Driftmark / Dragonstone to Rook's Rest (Belgrave territory instead of Staunton's family in this book) -----> about 3 to 4 hours on dragon / 4 to 5 hours by ship.


Otto Hightower was waiting in the dining room for the food to be brought to the table when his daughter, Alicent Hightower, Dowager queen and mother of the present king, came down into the dining room followed by a few maids and holding her son Daeron's hand.

She had at least managed to tame her hair a bit to look presentable and she had been laced in her typical green gown.

"Father" she muttered lowly as she sat down, motioning for her young child to do so as well.

Otto nodded his head to his daughter and grandson as they sat next to him.

"Well, well, well" Aegon the II entered the room next, clapping his hands slowly "Look at our little family reunion"

He sat down at the head of the table, facing his grandfather, propping up his legs on the table.

"Oy" he called out to one of the maids who was bringing the first round of plates "Bring me more wine wench!"

"How has your day been father?" Alicent said passively as she picked up her fork to push her food around.

"We had yet another council meeting and the people are getting nervous. More and more nobles are taking Rhaenyra Targaryen's side after they learned that queen Helaena and the heirs of the king are being held with her. And the fact that the king is barely seen anymore since his coronation, and that the times he is seen he is drunk and can barely even articulate his sentences!" Otto Hightower shouted out.

"Take Daeron back to his room" Alicent asked one of her maids.

They quickly took the young boy away while silence reigned throughout the dinner table. Aegon did not respond but instead stood from his chair without even taking a bite of his food.

"Take my dinner to my room. And a couple of wine bottles with it" he ordered more of the servants.

Otto watched in desperation as the young man left the room without taking what the older man had said into consideration.

Alicent and Otto continued to eat the remainder of their dinner alone as the woman was too tired and scared of her own father to bring up his outburst.


"How is your lamb Helaena?" Aurora asked the girl as they dined.

"Very nice. Thank you Aurora" Helaena said as she placed another bit of tender meat into her mouth.

"What about you kids?" Aurora turned to the kids that were seated by their uncle Aemond except for Maelor who was being held by Aurora on her lap.

"Good" Jaehaera chimed out as her brother just nodded his head while taking another already cut piece of lamb into his mouth.

"I'm glad you're enjoying yourselves here" Brandon said "Your rooms have been prepared for the night prince Jacaerys"

"Thank you lord Belgrave" the young man said.

"So you are staying only for tonight correct nephew?" Aemond leaned forward on his hands as he stared at the other prince with his single eye.

"Indeed I am uncle, though I was surprised to see you here as well" Jacaerys retorted.

"I was invited" Aemond said smugly.

"Really? Well" Aurora motioned for the maids to bring in the next round of plates.

"Oh look at that. It looks so good right kids?" the twins clapped their hands while their younger brother tried to imitate them.

"Lord Belgrave" a knight came into the room and walked over to Aurora's father to whisper something into his ear.

"Excuse me" the head of the Belgrave family stood from his place "I have to leave for a moment, Aurora could you join me?"

"Of course" Aurora wiped her mouth with her napkin, placing it on the table and standing up "One moment dears"

Aurora stood from her place as well and followed her father out of the dining room.

"What is it?"

"We have received news from Dragonstone, the queen got a letter from the North. The Lord Cregan Stark will be coming down here to present his knee to the queen Rhaenyra and she has asked for you to go back to Dragonstone for when he does" her father said.

"The nobles are starting to gather" Aurora said "I'll go to the queen tomorrow morning with prince Jacaerys"

"You'll be leaving again? I understand that you must but I am sad to see you go again tala" Brandon brought his daughter in for a hug (daughter).

"Nyke'll sagon arlī aderī kepa, hae nyke emagon va moriot māzigon arlī" Aurora told him (I'll be back soon father, as I have always come back).

"Just stay safe" Brandon kissed her forehead before they went back to the dining room.

Slight Aemond and Jacaerys OOC.

Brandon went to open the door of the room only to have prince Jacaerys and prince Aemond fall as they had been leaning onto the door to eavesdrop.

"Lady Aurora, we're terribly sorry" Jacaerys said as he stood back up and wiped his clothes clean of inexistent dust on it.

"Maybe you are..." Aurora heard Aemond whisper quietly as he too stood up.

"Lady Aurora will be going back with you as your mother, the queen has asked for it. Prince Aemond and Princess Helaena, along with her children, are to stay here until further orders" Aurora's father said as the four of them re-entered the dining room to tell Helaena.

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