ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔖𝔦𝔵𝔱𝔶 𝔗𝔴𝔬

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Otto now sat, his dinner finished, in his dark study. Papers of all types of things which had once been in organised towers on his desk were now scattered across the floor as the man tried to think of any way he could take back the advantage and power. He couldn't send his men after Helaena and the heirs of Aegon as not only would Aemond be there with Vhagar, but so would the whole of Rooks Rest, and he knew as everyone did just how talented those men (and women) were.

DriftMark would be an even harder placed to strike since it was an island and their troops would easily be spotted before they could reach the shores of the place.

He could only hope to send Aegon and Daeron on their dragons to lead the ones in DragonStone away so the men from Kings Landing could have even the smallest chance of success. But then he remembered that not too long ago ships from the North had been spotted heading over to DragonStone, most likely to present themselves to the queen. There had never been a Stark that forgot their vow (until season 8 of Game Of Thrones, which they should've tried to milk much more out of the books to end it well🙄).

Otto spent the rest of the night like so, panicking on what his next move would be despite not seeing the near impossibility of it.



The next morning in DragonStone had begun in a very hectic way. A crow from a spy that Rhaenyra had in Kings Landing had arrived with news and they were all asked to meet down in the main hall for a council on its contents.

Tercell had also come through Aurora's room's window that same morning with a letter from her father.


Aurora, Rhaenys and Cregan had been the first to joint Rhaenyra and her husband in the room and soon the rest of the nobles that were staying in DragonStone, as well as the princes and ladies Baela and Rhaena, also joined them.

"We have received news from Kings Landing" Rhaenyra begun "The usurper king, my brother Aegon, has been relieved of his duty s king for the time being due to unannounced circumstances and now Otto Hightower sits on the Iron Throne" many people exclaimed out in disgust at that "He has begun to muster all the men on their side for an attack, though where they will attack first we do not know"

"If this treachery by the Hand's part is being allowed, I doubt they have much moral ground to uphold at the moment" Daemon spoke up.

"Indeed my queen, it is time to strike and take back your birthright" another lord chimed in.

"First we need to figure out where we must place our men to defend" Rhaenyra said.

"DriftMark would be harder to attack in large numbers, especially with the Velaryon fleet at the ready for orders" Rhaenys said, moving a green dragon piece away from her home "And I doubt that snake of a man would risk his fewer ships on an attack in open waters"

"Rooks Rest would be in a similar position" Daemon said "Not only would they have the advantage of being so close to aid fro DriftMark, but the terrain would make it hard to mobilise their troops too close there. There is also the factor of Vhagar and Dreamfyre being there to defend it"

"Aurora" the woman straightened her back and raised her head to the queen "Can we count on your father's men to come aid us?"

"I received a letter this morning your grace, from my father" she said in a confident tone "He has stayed back with a few men to defend our home but the rest of our men are already on their way here to fight for you"

"Good" Rhaenyra felt relief at how much support she was having now in comparison to the first time she had been proclaimed air after her brother had been born "And the rest of the lords?"

"Lord Borros says that he will have his men fight by your grace and they are ready to fight" an envoy from the Baratheon lord said.

"My men are armed and ready my queen" lord Stark stood forth from Aurora's left, his posture straight as he said so.

"The rest of the lords have already sent their men to come to. DragonStone my queen" another lord said.

"Then we must prepare" Rhaenyra said.


Alicent Hightower looked out of the window in her chambers as her son Daeron practised his sword skills with Ser Criston Cole down in the yard while the men armed themselves and polished their armour. She had not had the courage to stop the boy after seeing his reaction to joining the fight.

She was more than enraged at her father's decision to include the young child in the war and make him ride out with his older brother, most likely to their deaths. At the thought, Alicent clutched onto the pearl necklace tighter and tighter until it snapped, the round white riches rolling down the folds of her dress and scattering hazardously across the floor.

"My lady" the woman ignored the maid that rushed to her knees to pick up the expensive marbles now hiding under the bed and rushed out of her room.

Before she had the chance to walk more that a few feet from her quarters a hand caught her making her turn and face the person who had stopped her from keeping her son in the castle.

"LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" she screamed at her father "I WILL NOT LET MIY CHILD...! NOT MY CHILD!"

"Lock her in and do not let her out until I order you to do so" Otto said in a cold voice while handing his daughter over to a guard posted at her room's door.

"NO, NO YOU CANNOT DO THIS! I AM THE QUEEN AND I M ORDERING YOU TO STOP MY Son from..." her voice got lower and lower as Otto walked further away from her rooms and heard the door lock behind him.

"Grandfather!" Daeron greeted him with a smile s he came down to the yard "Is it true I will be able to kill many of the traitors in this war?"

Otto didn't quite feel comfortable at how excited the young child was for killing his relatives but he could not ponder too much on it.

"I hope so Daeron" the man's eyes crossed with the knight that had been teaching the boy to fight not five minutes earlier "I hope so"

So I am not too sure how Daeron would act due to his very short life span, but I didn't really wanted to write him like a normal kid since:

1-I did not want to get attached to an irrelevant character.
2-I expect Otto and Alicent, especially Otto, would show him harsher than realistic truths of the 'other' side of his family to keep him eager to kill them if the time came.

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