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Sometimes, in a case of pain and recovery. Home bound is the greatest way to go. I haven't left the house in what had felt like a year, but in reality. It was a month. Every day, slept for 9-11 hours. My body, my soul was in pain and as any normal human response. Your body wants to try and sleep it off.

But, every night. I see Eric still, appearing in my dreams. Forcing himself upon me and trying to take my power, is this me feeling guilt? Was it wrong to kill him? No... you did the right thing for you Hope, you did the right thing for your family, to keep them safe.

Laying in bed as I read a book that dad picked out for me, called To Kill A Mockingbird. I know it's one of Bella's favourites, sighing heavily as I opened the first page to it. I gasped as Jacobs head popped up in the crack of my open window.

"Let me in!" He whispered shouted, narrowing my eyebrows as I closed my book and placed it on my bedside table. Walking over to my window, he looked at me with a slimmer of Hope as I slammed down the window shut. I grabbed my curtains and brought them together to block his view from my room, feeling my body shiver with goosebumps. I quickly made my way back to my bed, wrapping myself up in sheets. I reached back over for the book, as a loud knock came to the front door.

"Jacob? Hey." Dad said as I rolled my eyes.

"Is Hope in? I was wondering if I could see her, if that's alright?" Jacob asked as I begged to the lords to send to my father to not allow Jacob into the household. Hearing my father heavily sigh as I sunk into my bed more as I tried to stay warm, I smiled to myself as Charlie responded with.

"Give her some time, yeah Jake? I know you miss her, but... I only just got her back, my baby girl is finally home after months of trauma we could only imagine. Let her come to you, ok? Give her some peace and quiet, she get there soon." He tried to reassure the obsessed boy standing on our front door step.

"Thanks Charlie." Jacobs voice was sad, listening to the leaves under his feet crunch slowly as he walked back to his car. Kinda made me feel guilty.

"Don't feel guilty! He doesn't deserve you." I rolled my eyes as my no humanity doppelgänger said in the mirror reflection. Watching her fold her arms in disgust, I flipped her off as I heard the door open. I quickly rushed to reading once again.

"How's the book going, grommet?" Charlie questioned as he leant against the doorframe.

"It's going good, it's interesting. You really have to pay attention to the detail of the sentences." I explained as he walked over to me, sitting beside me on the bed. He gave me a look, one I know oh to well. "No!" I shook my head at him, as he took the book out of my hands.

"You need to give that boy a chance to explain himself, you might surprise yourself and you will surprise him. You're different, you're strong and you have changed, I don't know what you have been through." He placed his hand upon the side of my face. "But you're a beautiful girl, who I know... deep in her heart. Can sort out her relationship with Jacob, remember, he was once your best friend." He patted the top of my head, walking to go out of my room. He stopped and turned to face me, he smiled gently.

"What?" I narrowed my eyebrows at him, giving a huff of a laugh.

"I love you." He said softly as I smiled at him.

"I love you more."

Hope | j.blackWhere stories live. Discover now