Chaptet 6: How Do I!?

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I pace around my room, freaking out. I came out all this way for all of this to end like this?!

I knew I needed to find another job, I once had an idea of running my own business so I could consider that but right now I had to figure out how to get by.

Shit alright, I can do this. I know I can, I just gotta, just gotta-


"Ah!? Who the fuck is calling me!?" I jumped out of my mental state, woken back to reality I grabbed the phone without checking who it is and I shouted. "Who the fuck are you!?"

"Dude its just me you fucking jackass." Salvus was offended on the other line.

"Ugh look Slave ass, go jack off somewhere else and leave me alone." I answered quite irritated.

"I'm not jerking off! I'm just calling to let you know that-"

"I know, I got the papers." I sighed and shook my head.

"Damn, that socks. I mean at least they refunded us." Salvus added.

I sat back down on the couch and started to put on shoes. "Yeah but I also got laid off my job."

"Well think of this as a good thing, you said you kinda started to not like mechanics or electricity. Maybe you could look into some legal professions you said you were interested." Salvus tried to help me out.

"Thanks, I dunno. I'm just going to sort this situation out myself." I sighed gently. "I'll figure it out I just need to calm down."

"Alright. I understand, I heard Black Systems is hiring and I'm going to apply. I heard that they have good pay so I'm very intrigued." Salvus told me his plan.

At least he has a plan, ahh I wish I wasn't so much in my head all the time.

"Sounds fun, I'll call you later. I'm going to clear my head." I hung up the fun and plopped on the floor.

I remembered being 16 and the only thing I had to worry about was if I would be able to play Forza Horizon on my Xbox or not.

I forced myself up and got my MacBook out, I began Google searching.

15 minutes in, I already found a job that I could do and would use my full potential.

As in power.

- 3 Days Later, Downtown Metropolis -

I held a pamphlet in my hand, the pamphlet had directions written on it.

Alright I think I'm one block away from Aurora Defense.

I applied at a place called Aurora Defense which is a private defense office, they basically specialize in fighting back alley issues. Drug cartels, human trafficking, illegal fighting and many others.

Hopefully I'll get the position.

I found a small building that had a simple plastic sign, tucked away between two larger buildings that were clothes stores.

I opened the transparent door and made my way into the office.

The secretary looked up at me and didn't recognize me. "Can I help you?"

"Yes I'm here for my interview." I answered.

"First name?"


"This way." She pointed to a door that had the name Daniel Aurora.

Nervous, I knocked on the wood office door.

Oh gosh I hope I don't fuck this up.

"Come in." The man behind the door answered.

I unlocked the gold handle and saw an old man, who looked to be in his 60's. He wore a grayish blue suit and had a white goatee.

"You must be Emerson Salinas." He smiled at me. "Have a seat."

"The other day you applied for the position of defense agent here online, why do you feel that this position is appropriate for you?" He asked, sternly.

Man this guy is intimidating me a bit, but I can't freak out.

"To answer that sir, it's because I have faith in my ability. I have the power of Energy Manipulation with a range of 9.3" I answered him.

He looked a little surprised but not shocked. "I was expecting an 18 year old with a mediocre ability but I belive you have proved me wrong. It's not everyday you meet someone with that high of range, especially as young as you are."

"As you know, I'm looking for a defense team, I had an older one that in fact included me but we have since disbanded." He leaned towards me holding both hands.

"You were in a defense team recently?" I had thought that maybe he was too old for stuff like this.

"You see, my own range is pretty high. 9.5 to be exact, my own power is Magic Generation. I had founded this firm 40 years ago along with several other people I knew, I was the Head of the team until very recently since we disbanded of old age." He explained to me. "Now I'm looking to replace that original team, I was expecting to have to deal with a bunch of mid rangers but you were the first and already I can see that you'd be the most powerful."

"Wow I wasn't expecting you to be very powerful like me." I actually felt a little happy to finally see someone who is actually very high ranged.

"Well when you fight shit that most of the police force wouldn't bother with, you get very high ranged easily." He looked over some paperwork. "You do realize you are going to have deal with horrific shit right? My last mission was one where I oversaw satanic rituals in the middle of a ghetto."

"I understand that, I feel like my ability would be a waste if I didn't put it to good use for something like this." I explained my own motive.

"You sound like a good candidate. I want you to sign this contract and then you are hired." He pushed a document towards me.

"What's this for?"

"It's how much you'll be paid, work benefits and other work related things. It's also for agreeing not to commit espionage and if you do against us I can uphold it in court." He pointed out.

"Sounds fair enough." I sighed it after briefly reading it for a second.

"Well, welcome to the team." He held out his hand.

I shook his hand. "You my friend, will make a valuable member." He said to me.

"So when do I start?" I ask.

"Well first we'll do an evaluation of your skill and then we'll notify you of a mission. We'll give you something simple to start with to understand what you'll be dealing with in the future."

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