Chapter 8: Horrible Fucking Mess

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- The Next Day -

I sat with my head in my hands on the couch.

Salvus and I were at my apartment to binge watch a show, he was rummaging through my fridge. "Do you have any alcohol?"

"No Salvus I do not have any fucking alcohol." I rolled my eyes.

"Eh fruit punch will do." He grabbed a giant bottle of it and a huge ass bag of chips.

I rubbed my forehead from over thinking, I tried not to but I couldn't help it.

Why did I agree to it?

"Hey whats wrong?'

"I uh." I hesitated but I wanted the stress to go away so I said it anyways. "I got a girlfriend."

"Oh wow that's great! I'm ha-"

"No you don't understand! I'm taking away somebody from her! I don't know why I agreed to this!? Why did I even do it? I have no fucking reason to have a girlfriend, I was born not deserving anybody what the fuck am I doing?!"

"Whoa, dude calm down. You should be proud of yourself." Salvus tried to reassure me.

"No, she has a mark. I don't. It's a fucking big deal."

"OK look who is this girl fucker?" Salvus looked at me annoyed.

"It's that Fiora girl that we JUST met Slave-ass." I sighed. "Whhhyyyyy?"

"Wait she talk to you or?"


"Do you like her-"

"That's not what matters. What matters is that this should not happen and I'm so ashamed of myself. I look like a fucking jackass. What if her soulmate is some fucker like-"

"Maybe you should get a therapist." Salvus glugged some fruit punch. "You sound crazy as hell."

"OK maybe you are right. Let's just watch the show." I sighed and grabbed the remote.


Hours went by and it eventually become 4.00PM, Salvus had since left and I was back alone.

I made a promise to her to meet with her at a Mexican restaurant at 4 so I made sure I was wearing some clean clothes, that I was at least clean shaved and had good hygiene and I did arrive there.

I walked inside the place and found her, at a table at the far back at the restaurant.

She likes to hide I assume.

"Hey!" I greeted her.

"Oh hi!" She waved at me. "You made it."

"Well I mean, I didn't forget." I sat down with her. "How's things been?"

"O-oh its been great for me, thanks for asking. Enough about me, what about you?"

"For me? I've been alright." I sighed.

I grabbed the menu and immediately knew what I was going to order.

"Can I ask how has your day been?" She began.

"I hung out with Salvus earlier to binge watch a show and I checked into my job to see if I was needed or not. I woke up OK and overall I had a good day." I explained to her. "What about you?"

"Weelll since you asked, I took a shower, I went to the library, hung out at my college and then came here." She shrugged but smiled.

"That's way more productive than my day haha." I joked. "What's college like?"

"It's fun, when I'm learning. I don't actually like hanging out around campus with the people there. It's kinda of overwhelming." She explained to me. "I can only manage a small amount of people, so I don't do a lot of social things often "

"I'm totally the same, I'm very introverted and I'm either by myself or I'm maybe hanging out with my friend but it's usually the latter." I added.

"Oh really? I guess that's actually pretty swell." She chirped. "Us being two introverts, that's awesome right?"

The waiter came and we ordered and he left.

I looked at her and she looked at bit infatuated, I was a bit concerned. I didn't already like this situation and this kinda made it worse.

This is not good.

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