Chapter 1

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Chapter 1 Rebirth

The sky is extremely gloomy, and it seems that the next moment, there will be a torrential downpour.

Among the lofty mountains, a winding railway lies coiled like a sleeping dragon.

A train with the number k3180 stopped in front of a tunnel and didn't move for a long time. Some "people" wandered around outside the car, but there was no flight attendant to manage them.

There is no station here, and there is no human habitation nearby.

The interior of the car was extremely quiet, with occasional muffled growls.

If you look in through the window, you can see that the compartment is full of dirty blood and gnawed broken limbs with only bones and skeletons left. There were also some people walking back and forth with blank expressions and stiff limbs. They bumped into each other occasionally, and they didn't know to avoid each other, just standing together like that.

One of the soft sleeper rooms.

The girl who was lying on the upper bunk bed on the right suddenly opened her eyes. She looked about twenty years old, with a thin body and pale complexion. Her short hair that reached her ears could be seen to be carefully trimmed. A small face the size of a palm, with mountain eyebrows and watery eyes, not very beautiful, but very attractive.

The girl's eyes were full of doubts and anger! It's just that in the next moment, she shrank into the bed like a conditioned reflex.

A pale hand with many blue spots suddenly appeared beside her bed, the black nails were two or three inches long. If she had been slower to dodge just now, she might have been caught by now!

The owner of these hands is a child who looks to be only five or six years old. His whole body was bloody, his face was covered with bruises, his eyes were turned white, and the eyeballs protruded high from the eye sockets, and his wide open mouth was full of jagged fangs. He is now desperately trying to hook her. where is this How could this monster-like thing appear here? Gu Lan's face was tense, she bit her lip silently, she just huddled in the corner, staring blankly at the monster roaring under her bed, without any fear on her face.

In her previous life, she had seen a lot of things uglier and stronger than this monster, and she couldn't remember how many of them she had killed? A lot of messy memories flooded into her mind. It didn't belong to her, it was a girl with the same name as her.

Before she had time to sort out those memories in detail, Gu Lan's eyes showed that kind of blazing hatred again. She raised her head suddenly, and looked viciously at the opposite bed suddenly turning over and sitting up, looking at her little girl with a smile. girl.

It was a little girl who was only six or seven years old, wearing a light yellow knee-length sweater, her waist-length hair was loose and fluffy, and her fat baby cheeks were pink, looking very cute. It's just that her smile looked a bit creepy, obviously not the expression that should be at this age.

"Go to hell!" Gu Lan roared angrily, then picked up the backpack on the bed, and slammed it viciously at the little girl.

The girl didn't dodge at all, and just calmly withstood Gu Lan's blow with all her strength. She was knocked over on the bed, and after coughing twice, she sat up again, and then watched Gu Lan leaning on her chest, gasping for breath, smiling contentedly.

"Tsk tsk, you know, I'm a part separated from your body. If you want me to die, it's better to kill yourself..." The little girl smiled, and then looked at the table

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