Chapter 81

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Chapter 81

    Hearing Gu Lan's voice suddenly, Ye Jingqi trembled with excitement.

    Although, Ye Huo and Yin Mulan had always told him that Gu Lan was not dead. But that day's situation was so dangerous that even Jiang Qing, the strongest in the team, was seriously injured. Ye Jingqi was actually not at ease at all. He didn't think that relying on Gu Lan could really stop that ferocious man.

    Now that it is really confirmed that Gu Lan is still alive and has really come to N City, Ye Jingqi is so excited that he almost rushed out and hugged Gu Lan's arm and cried for a while.

    "Who, get out, don't play tricks there!" The bald man's expression was ugly, and he was touched behind him quietly, which meant that the people he left outside were probably finished.

    In an instant, the bald man went through all the big and small forces near City N in his mind, but he couldn't find such a team that could match the number! The people he put outside are the ones he trusts the most. They are all top-notch in his base, and they are all equipped with guns. They shouldn't be killed so quietly without making a sound! Unless it's... Zhou Xi, the archer he was hiding upstairs, didn't want his elder sister's life, so he secretly picked up people from other teams, and came to cooperate with each other!

    I have to say that this man thinks a lot and has a rich imagination! At this time, although he seemed to be arrogantly questioning Gu Lan, he was already planning a breakout route in his heart.

    "Are you blind? Who is pretending to be a ghost!" A cold female voice came.

    This time, everyone heard it clearly, and the voice came from a shelf in the front left. Everyone with a flashlight in their hands pointed the flashlight in that direction, so everyone present could see clearly that it was a girl who looked not very old, standing on the top of the shelf like that, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth , she held a long sword in her hand, and under the light of the flashlight, it glowed with a cold white light. And at her feet, there was an unknown person lying there.

    Seeing that it was his brother-in-law, He Ming narrowed his eyes slightly, and said coldly: "Who are you? Why did you hurt the people in my team?" "You don't care who I am, as for hurting

    them Well, do you need a reason? When you hit people casually, it seems that you don't need any reason..." Gu Lanyun said calmly, not afraid because everyone pointed their weapons at her. She took a step forward and jumped off the shelf, landing silently. Then, she went straight to the group of captives.

    He Ming's eyes narrowed suddenly, and he stared at Gu Lan's back almost in disbelief. He raised his hand to stop the movement of the people under him, and fixed his eyes on Gu Lan. Now I just hope that the girl who suddenly appeared is here to find someone, not a member of a nearby big force. This girl is hard to deal with. He is a speed mutator himself and is very sensitive to ability users, but he can't tell the depth of this girl!

    "Where are the others?" Gu Lan asked standing in front of Ye Jingqi, and with a swing of the sword, he cut off the rope that bound him.

    "Ye Huo is injured, Sister Mulan is taking care of him, and everyone else is in their base." Ye Jingqi stared at Gu Lan with bright eyes. He had a lot to say to Gu Lan, but it was obviously not the time.

    "Lead the way." Gu Lan nodded and said lightly.

    "Then, what about them?" Ye Jingqi pointed to the group of bald men. Then he fixed his eyes on the group of prisoners kneeling on the ground.

    "Let's go to the base first, and how these people came here, they can go back." Gu Lan turned her head and left after finishing speaking.

    "What are you? You want to go to our base. Have you asked our boss..." "

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