Chapter 45

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Chapter 45 She Really Willing

    Gu Lan wants to scold her!

    Because, the fireball she threw slipped past that big callus! And that big cocoon was fine?

    This is not normal! The cocoon had obviously not moved at all! Although the light here is not good, she can still be sure of this.

    The unbelievers threw another fireball, and Gu Lan saw that the cocoon did not move, but it seemed to be fireproof! Still not smooth, the fireball slid past the edge again, and then fell behind the cocoon without causing any damage to it.

    Gu Lan's eyes widened, but if the fireball didn't work, then the water polo, and then thunder and lightning, Gu Lan tried all the basic spells she knew. In the end, I found that the cocoon seemed to be invulnerable to water and fire, and even a thunderbolt struck it, leaving only a faint black mark.     Seeing that there were more and more white threads on Jiang Qing's body, and his struggling movements became smaller and smaller, Gu Lan narrowed his eyes slightly. The mahogany sword was lifted up, Gu Lan made a tactic with one hand, injected spiritual power with the other hand, and then slashed out fiercely.     Without any frills, a huge sword condensed from aura slashed fiercely at the cocoon! Next, continuous sword energy slashed at the same place one after another. This is a sword technique that Gu Lan once practiced, and it consumes a lot of mana. This move alone has drained most of her spiritual power.     Perhaps there are more than a hundred sword qi, cutting in the same place within a few breaths, even a monk at the foundation establishment stage can't bear it, let alone this weird-looking cocoon.     The sound of "嗤啦" was endless, as if something broke, and then Gu Lan saw that inside the thick cocoon, there was a person with a human head and human arms, but the lower body turned into a spider s things!     Gu Lan already felt disgusted when she saw the half-human, half-worm zombie in the jade store in front, but she felt even more disgusted when she saw this zombie!     Because those zombies have obvious zombie characteristics, and only the legs have become a bit like bug legs, and then they can lie on the wall like bugs, but now this thing in the cocoon is too uncomfortable to look at!

    It has the head and arms of a normal human being, and even just looking at its face, it can't be seen that it is a zombie at all, because its face is much more normal, more human-like than Jiang Qing's! Moreover, his facial features are quite eye-catching, but from under the arms, there are actually eight black and shiny spider legs all the way down, and there is also a big black belly, and a few compound eyes that move back and forth on the belly , looked a little permeable.     Pursing her lips, Gu Lan moved her hand, and a thunderbolt struck straight up. She couldn't believe it, the cocoon had already been broken, and the things inside could still be invulnerable?     At the moment when Thunder Flash was about to strike, the monster whose eyes had been closed before suddenly opened them. Its eyes are dark green with a faint light shining. As soon as it moved its hand, a lot of white silk covered the top of its head, and Gu Lan's blow naturally missed.     But Jiang Qing had a little breath over there, and finally broke free from most of the white silk. But that monster didn't give Gu Lan and Jiang Qing time to breathe, he stretched out his hands with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then countless white silks swarmed in, almost drowning Gu Lan and Jiang Qing in the blink of an eye.     At the critical moment, Gu Lan only felt that someone was hugging her in her arms, and then they were tightly wrapped by those white silks.     "Haha, stupid human beings, I really think that if you break this cocoon, you can kill me..." Outside the cocoon, the monster satirized Gu Lan, and it was useless to say a word like Jiang Qing. Talk quickly.     Her arms were a little numb, Gu Lan was shocked, and then found that the place entangled by the white silk felt a little uncomfortable. It seemed that the white silk was absorbing the spiritual power in her body! Such a discovery shocked Gu Lan, she looked up at Jiang Qing with difficulty, and then she saw that Jiang Qing's face was much shriveled, had many wrinkles, and seemed to have lost a lot of weight.     That does not work! If it drags on, she and Jiang Qing will die!     Almost without any hesitation, Gu Lan's thoughts turned, and she and Jiang Qing disappeared in place, leaving only the empty cocoon.

    The monster seemed to have noticed a little bit, turned his head and looked over, but when he saw that the cocoon was still there, he didn't seem to be worried at all, but stretched out his arms, and caught the few zombies in the courtyard that hadn't had time to escape. , and then wrap it in white silk, close your eyes comfortably and enjoy it...

    in the Chaos Stone.

    "Jiang Qing, how are you?" Gu Lan was lying on the ground half kneeling and supported. Jiang Qing, who was already weak, had worries on her face that she didn't realize.

    "I'm fine." Jiang Qing shook his head, then quietly leaned against Gu Lan's arms.

    "Master, his energy is almost exhausted, you should quickly feed it the crystal nucleus." Bai Lu suggested from the side. From time to time, he would glance at Gu Lan's expression, looking nervous.

    "Nonsense, if there are still crystal nuclei, you don't need to talk about it!" Gu Lan rolled her eyes at Bai Lu.

    If this guy wasn't too greedy, he wouldn't be in such a desperate situation today. Before, she wanted to tell Jiang Qing that those were the only crystal nuclei left in her hand, but he rewarded those zombie boys.

    I thought that I could still kill other zombies anyway, and I would just dig it out, so I refrained from saying anything. But who knew that they encountered such a difficult monster, and now that the crystal nucleus has not been dug out, the two of them are still wrapped into a zongzi.

    Although he is now hiding in the Chaos Stone, Jiang Qing probably won't last long like this. And it was impossible for Gu Lan to feed him with her own flesh and blood.

    She can go out to hunt zombies, but if the monster is still there, she may not be able to escape. Its speed is too fast, and she will still be controlled by it.

    what else can we do? Gu Lan's furrowed eyebrows could pinch a mosquito to death.

    "I'll go, lead it away. You go." Jiang Qing said hoarsely, and struggled to get up after speaking.

    "Shut up!" Gu Lan yelled, and then she pushed Jiang Qing away fiercely, letting him lie on the ground. She clenched her fists tightly and stood aside gasping for breath. She obviously felt uncomfortable, but there was an inexplicable soreness and warmth in her chest. This was a feeling that Gu Lan didn't understand. Never experienced it!

    This zombie, why is it so annoying, he is just her thug, he should die for her, but why does she feel so awkward! Yes, it must be because she looks so useless, so she doesn't want to sacrifice other people's lives and run for her own life!

    Biting her lip, after hesitating for a while, Gu Lan squatted down again. She had already calmed down, and her face returned to her usual coolness. She gently pressed her left hand to Jiang Qing's chest, and a dazzling red light gradually spread from the palm of her hand to the surroundings.

    "Master, what are you doing!" Bai Lu exclaimed.

    Gu Lan pursed her lips, but ignored Bai Lu.

    "Master, do you know what you're doing? You're like this, you're like this... you may lose the Chaos Stone, and mine..." Bai Lu's voice was already filled with tears.

    Although he desperately wanted to become stronger and restore the Chaos Stone's original ability, he never thought about changing its owner one day? And this Chaos Stone is so important to the master, is she really willing?

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