Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

    Xu was threatened, and this body finally unleashed a little bit of potential. When the claws of those monsters were only a few centimeters away from her, Gu Lan narrowly escaped the window and rolled away far away.

    Raising her head with a bloody head, Gu Lan angrily stared at the little girl lying on the luggage rack and waving at her.

    Her feeling was right, this little girl just dug a hole for her on purpose, waiting for her to jump! However, now that she is trapped inside by herself, she is suffering the consequences of herself.

    Checking the injuries, Gu Lan found that there were only a few bruises on the head and face, and a few scratches on the hands. Because of the thick clothes on the body, there were no injuries, but there were bruises everywhere on the body. It hurts, and it is estimated that there will be a large bruise in a while.

    Looking at the monsters dangling in the distance, Gu Lan got up and ran to the side of the guardrail without looking back. Fortunately, the guardrail wasn't too high, so she managed to turn over before a few monsters rushed over with both hands and feet.

    Just after waking up, Gu Lan felt like her heart was about to jump out of such violent movements twice in a row. She squatted on the ground, and she looked at the monsters through the guardrail.

    She discovered that these monsters were actually easy to deal with. They are not fast, and their limbs are also stiff. They don't seem to have any intelligence, so they just rush forward. Even a guardrail that is not too high can stop them. If it wasn't for her weak body, she would be able to kill these monsters by finding anything she could get her hands on.

    After resting for a while, Gu Lan finally recovered. She glanced at the dark tunnel over there, and decided to walk in the opposite direction. After walking a few steps, she suddenly staggered and crouched down, clutching her chest.

    Then, a large red mark suddenly appeared on her forehead! And the red marks tend to expand. Gu Lan's face turned extremely pale all of a sudden. Is that little girl actually preventing her from leaving by self-mutilation?

    Turning her head, Gu Lan looked at the window, but she was far away, and she couldn't see clearly. But she didn't move, and the pain like being bumped disappeared. Are she and this guy bound together in such an inexplicable way?

    "Don't think about abandoning me, otherwise, although I can't kill you, I will definitely hurt you to death. With your small body, it's not sure who will die first!" The little girl's voice came from beside her ear, She giggled, as if she was sure of winning.

    Gu Lan's complexion changed, has she already been able to transmit voice into secrets? It seems that she is not lying, people in this world have too many evil thoughts, and she who lives by sucking evil thoughts is bound to advance faster than herself!

    Since she doesn't want to leave, it's better to watch her close by, so as not to keep her from shadowing her in the dark and make people hard to guard against! It's just that there are so many monsters in that car, and it's very difficult to get her out.

    This little girl probably had such an idea from the beginning, it would be best to let those monsters kill her, if she couldn't kill her, she would have to go back and snatch her out from the pile of monsters! Anyway, no matter what, from the moment she opened her eyes, she had already put on the chain cover, just waiting for herself to be hooked!

    Squatting there thinking of a feasible solution, Gu Lan wanted to walk a few steps away and find something for self-defense nearby. The little girl wouldn't allow it, and if she moved, she would torment her, so she must stay within sight .

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