Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

    That's not a zombie!

    Or should I say, that is not a pure zombie.

    Although those gray shadows were fast, Gu Lan had already seen clearly that these zombies were similar to those half-human, half-bug zombies she saw in Jiunangu Ancient Town. But this time, it wasn't the bug legs, but the lower limbs of some speed animal.

    Seeing a gray shadow rushing towards this side, Gu Lan narrowed her eyes slightly, and then turned her head to quickly check the windows of the car.

    Gu Lan breathed a sigh of relief seeing that the car windows were in good condition and that everyone closed them tightly with a sense of safety.

    "What?" Ye Huo rushed to the door, looking at the chaotic scene outside through the door.

    "Hold the grass, it doesn't look like a zombie, it's more like a combination of a zombie and some other animal. Look at their legs, they are not human legs at all, they jump up so high..." Ye Jingqi almost turned his face Sticking it on the door, staring at the things that could be called monsters outside with a shocked expression.

    "There are zombies like this in the ancient town of Jiunan Valley, but how can there be such things near this base?" Gu Lan mentioned.

    Most of Ye Huo and the others didn't know what happened in the Jiunan Valley last time. The last corpse of the spider monster that Jiang Qing took off all the spider legs didn't seem to have that much threat and impact .

    But this kind of living monster is still very lethal, and it has a great impact on them!

    "Sister Gu Lan, a monster is coming, what should we do?" Ye Huo asked anxiously.

    "Kill!" Gu Lan pursed her lips, then opened the car door and stepped out.

    Jiang Qing followed Gu Lan closely. After getting out of the car, he half-squatted and did a lifting motion. As if Gu Lan had agreed with him a long time ago, she stepped on his hand and flipped over the car with her strength. top.

    Ye Huo and Ye Jingqi were envious of that chic and agile skill.

    "You stay in the car, this monster moves too fast, don't get down." Gu Lan's cold voice came from the roof of the car.

    Ye Huo, Ye Jingqi, and Tian Dajiang looked at each other, and they all stood guard at the car door separately. Yin Mulan, who had a sprained foot, also sat up, looking out the window with a nervous expression on her face.

    "Bang!" There was a loud crash, as if something jumped onto the roof of their car.

    Immediately afterwards, there was a "poof", which seemed to be the dull sound of a dagger cutting into the flesh, and then a "bang", a monster was kicked out of the car.

    Ye Huo and the others stayed in the car and didn't see what Gu Lan and Jiang Qing did, but someone saw it elsewhere, and immediately someone ran towards Gu Lan's car as if they had seen a savior. While shouting for help, or words like open the door...

    This made Tian Dajiang and Ye Jingqi embarrassed. Letting people in at this time would be a dizzy act, because no one knows whether those people were scratched or not. ? Have you been infected with a virus?

    But if you don't let people in, do you want to watch them die?

    Just in the middle of a dilemma, someone in the car let out a muffled snort, which shocked Ye Jingqi and the others, and then they remembered that Gu Lan saved a person on the road today, and he was put at the end all the time. In a row, everyone almost forgot about him.

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