Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

    Gu Lan opened the car door and stared at the direction of the truck with narrowed eyes.

    The people in those trucks, like them, all came from the direction of the previous town. But today, apart from Chu Heng and his group, Gu Lan didn't see any other survivors at all.

    Although there are occasional forks in this mountain road, they are all dirt roads in small mountain villages. Generally speaking, in such small villages, there will be no survivors stationed there. Because of the lack of supplies, it is not easy to evacuate. It is easy to be surrounded by zombies to death.

    Gu Lan walked all the way, always rushing to the mutated zombies in those small villages. Occasionally, she could receive some useful supplies, or meet some survivors who stayed at home. It has been more than half a month since the end of the world, and those people are very pitiful. They are basically in a state of being cut off from water and food, and barely have a breath left. Gu Lan usually leaves after cleaning up the zombies in the village. As for the odds and ends, she hasn't noticed them yet.

    But now, in the middle of the night, there are people who are not afraid of death and drive a car with a loud gas pedal, making Gu Lan very curious, what are these people thinking about?

    It has been a short time since she was reborn here, but because of the popularity of Ye Huo and others, coupled with her own observations, Gu Lan understands that at night, the hearing and smell of those zombies will become very sensitive, and the speed is also the same as normal. The number of people is almost the same, and the lethality of some mutated zombies has doubled even more. On the contrary, when the sun is very strong at noon, these zombies will move slowly and hide in the shade. Generally, there are no living things, and they don't bother to move at all.

    Now that they are galloping so recklessly all the way, how many zombies will follow behind? It's okay to say that the vehicle is fine, once it breaks down, it is purely courting death. And both she and Jiang Qing can't drive, and it's just a joke to ask her to compete with the tireless zombies to see who can run the fastest!

    Looking around, there is a steep cliff on one side and a towering mountain on the other. There is no place to hide from the limelight. She will never let Jiang Qing enter the Chaos Stone again. Gu Lan feels that she may not be able to go to that town to collect supplies in a short time.

    Signaling Jiang Qing to get off the car, Gu Lan put away the commercial vehicle with a wave of her hand, and then stood in the middle of the road, waiting for the vehicles to approach. If they don't take her for a ride, she will let them know, and it will bring her fate.

    At night, everything is silent. Although those people didn't turn on the headlights arrogantly, the booming sound of the accelerator was more effective than turning on the lights. Gu Lan heard it all the way, not to mention the mutated zombies.

    The weather tonight is very good, the star is big and bright, and a silver moon hangs in the sky, the visibility is still very high, which is probably the reason why those people didn't turn on the lights.

    After waiting for a few minutes, the figures of those cars appeared in Gu Lan's sight. And Bai Lu also informed Gu Lan early in the morning that there were four cars in total and more than twenty people, most of them were people with supernatural powers. But Bai Lu was more interested in the mutated zombies hanging behind the car, excitedly counting them one by one, the number already exceeded thirty.

    There are more than half of the survivors in a team, which means that these people are very strong and have arrogant capital. But Gu Lan doesn't understand why they would rather take greater risks to drive at night, because no one knows whether the road ahead is clear or not? And they had so many supernatural beings, it seemed safer to stop and clean up the mutated zombies that followed.

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