Chapter 43

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Chapter 43 Beauty, come and save me

    After Luo Jiajia and the others left the monitoring room for a while, the personnel in charge of guarding the room returned to their jobs.

    Therefore, although Tang Jinge and Yin Mulan left Xiangtian base, they still knew the surrounding situation well. When they saw the pile of zombie corpses on the edge of Jiunan Ancient Town, the two of them didn't have much surprise on their faces.

    Yin Mulan took out a tablet from her backpack, and after a bit of manipulation on it, several overlapping screens appeared. Check them one by one. Most of the situation in Jiunan Town was on it, but she didn't see anything. There is no trace of Gu Lan and the others!     Yin Mulan put away the tablet, put a piece of bubble gum into her mouth, and chewed normally, while staring at Tang Jinge: "There are experts in this group, and they have good strength. If possible, it is best to absorb them into the base. Listen Speaking of your senior sister, you stayed with them for a while before, what are they doing here? Did you find anything useful?" "No, Aqi said that     she would follow them for a day or two, and what she knew Not much." Tang Jinge smiled and stretched out his hand, trying to smooth the broken hair on Yin Mulan's cheek, but she dodged it.     "Aqi... Heh, the shouting is quite affectionate. I don't like this woman, you'd better let her disappear before I go back. Or I go back and send her away personally..." Yin Mulan smiled As he spoke, he pulled out the gun suddenly without looking back, and fired a shot with a "poof".     A zombie that just came out of the alley next to it wobbled and fell down.     She blew and added □□, the muzzle of the gun was still smoking, and after giving Tang Jinge a blank look, she held the gun in both hands, and walked cautiously into the alley.     Tang Jinge swallowed a mouthful of saliva, touched his nose, and quickly followed. He felt that women were really scary, and he tried his best to hide from her the things about him and Aqi before the end of the world, and he didn't dare to say anything more at all. As soon as the two met, Mulan was so hostile towards Aqi, it was too perceptive!

    The two cooperated tacitly, and Yin Mulan charged in front with a gun in hand, and handed her back to Tang Jinge. But Tang Jinge's supernatural ability is a wind-type supernatural ability, and the wind blade makes it very smooth. The two of them, one in front of the other, went deeper inside without any danger.     Gu Lan stood upstairs, silently staring at the two people who walked downstairs. Some traces of fighting downstairs have been dealt with before, Xu Weiming is quite talented in this area, and the disguise is perfect. The two of them didn't find anything unusual.     Tang Jinge and Yin Mulan walked all the way to the probe that was destroyed by Jiang Qing. Seeing the trampled probe on the ground, Yin Mulan raised her eyebrows, then cleared her throat, looked around and said: "We The monitoring here is just because this town is very close to our base, and we must take precautions early, not against you."     Looking at Ye Huo, Gu Lan nodded.     Ye Huo clearly left from the back door, and after going around in a circle, he appeared at the intersection.     "Speed ​​variation?" Tang Jinge narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the speed user who suddenly appeared about ten meters away from them.     "Yes, I'm a speed mutator, and I'm about to advance to the next level." Ye Huo smiled slightly, with a friendly expression on his face. He habitually tried to push the glasses on the bridge of his nose, only to find that he was empty. He felt a little depressed, and made a silent note in his heart that he must get a pair of glasses to wear next time.     "Hello, we are from the Xiangtian base. Are you here to collect supplies?" Tang Jinge asked with a smile.     "Of course not. This ancient town is so far away, and there are not many supplies. We came here because our captain has something very important here." Ye Huo said with a smile. In fact, he was just talking nonsense, he didn't know What is Gu Lan doing here? But he believed that Gu Lan must have a reason.     "Ha, this town was created by cheating rich people before the end of the world. Most of them are fake antique jades, or handicrafts such as sachet fans. I really can't think of it. What did your captain drop? Here?" Yin Mulan sneered with disbelief.

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