Chapter 82

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Chapter 82

    "No need." Without even thinking about it, Gu Lan rejected Bai Lu's proposal to go back and kill Chu Heng.

    Ever since she rescued him last time and met him again in Annan Town, this Chu Heng has been following her openly and aboveboard. How could Bai Lu talk about being sneaky and sneaky?

    He was very measured, and he followed them not far or near, but he would not disturb them. It's as if he's just going in the same direction as her.

    After all, the road is open to the sky, and I heard from Yin Mulan that this city n is the only way to leave city c to go to other cities. Maybe he really just dropped by with her?

    As for why Chu Heng wanted to save the archer who she asked Bai Lu to throw on the small cannon tower, Gu Lan didn't take it to heart at all. Both of them were insignificant people to her now.

    "Go and find the base first, and check the situation." Gu Lan explained.

    Bai Lu agreed, and quietly became smaller, only the size of a bee, like a big gray bug. Then Gu Lan quietly sent her out of the window.

    While Ye Jingqi and Xie Yuhan muttered, the truck drove for more than half an hour, and finally arrived at the base of the bald man He Ming before the sky completely darkened.

    This is a base transformed from an elementary school, just in the southwest corner of N City. The base doesn't even have a name. There is a large open space behind the school, all of which were demolished and planned to build various high-rise buildings. The school should have been built in the past two years, and the various facilities are still very new.

    It has to be said that it is very wise to establish a base here. Because of the demolition, the neighborhood is sparsely populated, and there are various building materials available. The day when the end of the world broke out was also the weekend, and the school was on holiday at that time, so it should be quite easy to win this school.

    Now the surrounding walls of this elementary school have been reinforced with various building materials, and the electric grid is also pulled on it, which is very strong. The only shortcoming is that the wall is too short, only more than two meters high.

    When Gu Lan and the others went back, there were already a large number of survivors gathered around the school gate to welcome them back. It could be seen that those people were not living well, and they were all dressed in rags, but their expressions were full of longing , it seems that this truck carries the hope that they can continue to survive.

    Sitting in the cab of the truck, through the windows reinforced with thick steel mesh, Gu Lan glanced roughly at the crowd.

    Except for the armed personnel guarding the door and patrolling nearby, there were about two hundred survivors around the door, and there were only about thirty people wearing warm clothes. They surrounded a woman in her thirties, With a proud posture, they didn't even take the survivors who followed them into their eyes.

    The woman has a hot figure. In such a cold weather, she is still wearing a leather jacket and hot pants and high knee-high leather boots. Her exposed big white legs are as white as lotus roots, which is very dazzling among a group of gray-faced survivors.

    She was wearing heavy makeup and her fingernails were blood red. After seeing the truck driving into the gate, she reached out to take a thermos bottle that a man next to him had been holding in his arms, and then walked over gracefully.

    "Brother Ming, is this trip going well? You must be hungry after you've been there for so long? My soup has already been cooked..." The woman's words stopped abruptly because Gu Lan pushed open the car door.

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