Chapter 89

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Chapter 89

    two years later.

    H City, Rising Sun Base.

    "I said, can you stop squatting in the nest all day long? Don't you even look at how many little girls surrounded Jiang Qing. Those little girls are like wolves and tigers, wanting to swallow Jiang Qing into their stomachs. You are not worried at all!" Yin Mulan scolded Gu Lan bitterly.

    That finger wanted to poke Gu Lan's forehead, but Yin Mulan didn't dare, otherwise what was waiting for her would be to be repeatedly worn by that despicable person Jiang Qing.

    Although Jiang Qing is not here at all now, but that guy's spiritual power is getting stronger and stronger, as if he is everywhere all the time. He doesn't care if Yin Mulan doesn't know about it elsewhere, but there must be the spiritual power left by him around Gu Lan. Especially since the guy named Letian came here a few days ago, Jiang Qing became more and more nervous about Gu Lan.

    It's just that these two people, Mingming Lang has concubines and intentions, but they don't pierce the window paper anyway. She and Ye Huo and Ye Jingqi are eager to see through the group of them, and these two people are polite and respectful all day long. Everyone is in a hurry!

    "He's so busy, how can he not be as leisurely as you said." Gu Lan closed her eyes and sat cross-legged on the sofa in a standard meditation posture.

    Outside, the warm sunlight shone on her body through the tall glass windows. There were some dust flying in the air, and everything looked peaceful and beautiful.

    But outside the base, it's not like this. In the third year of the last days, the most dangerous thing is not those zombies, but the endless variety of mutated animals and plants, which are the most dangerous existences.

    In particular, the Rising Sun Base was built in the deep mountains and old forests, and the surrounding mutated plants had been cleaned up one after another, but they couldn't be cleaned up. If it weren't for the super perverted Jiang Qing in this base, they probably wouldn't be able to defend it.

    What Yin Mulan and the others originally said about building a stronghold has gradually become a bigger and bigger base with the arrival of more and more survivors. This is the home of those survivors, and it is their last days. After the last paradise.

    They call this place Rising Sun City. This city is one of China's five major bases, and the only base that is not controlled by the military.

    Gu Lan and Jiang Qing, who are nominally City Lords of the Rising Sun, are hands-off shopkeepers. Jiang Qing is fine, and occasionally participates in some major events in Rising Sun City, such as cleaning up mutated herds of beasts, or mutated plants, etc., but Gu Lan stays in the house all day long, even if he goes out. , also flew away with a whiff, and flew back with a whistling, ordinary people couldn't see her at all, and gradually the people in Rising Sun City almost forgot that there was such a person as her.

    When Yin Mulan saw Gu Lanyun's calm look, she became anxious immediately. She also ignored Jiang Qing's warning, and pulled Gu Lan away, dragging her outside.

    While walking, Yin Mulan exaggeratedly said: "Why is he busy, he is busy picking up girls! You don't know, there are many beautiful girls who have settled in the base these days, and there are many capable ones among them. You don't know I know how explicit their eyes are when they look at Jiang Qing! Go out with me for a while, if you don’t go out for a stroll, others will forget you as the wife of the city lord! By the way, ancestors, you should give me a promise, you guys When will you get married?"

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